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Wed, 27 Sep 1995 10:16:00 EDT
"Scott B. Maitland" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (21 lines)
Not good news for now.  Hannah quit eating her cat food over two weeks ago
and we have been hand-feeding her a combo of ensure/pedialyte, nutrical,
and water.  She wouldn't go near the A/D food.  I did try grinding up cat
food and mixing with the other liquids and pastes but she wouldn't go for
it.  The only solids she has eaten have been small bits of bagel or toast
w/butter.  We don't give her much of this fearing it will upset her system.
The hand-feeding went well thru a full week but she started vomitting again
last Saturday.  By Sunday she was fine and eating again.  Last evening she
began turning away from the ensure/pedialyte and nutrical and this
continued this morning.  We were able to get some liquid (about 6 cc) and
some paste (maybe .5 cc) into her but she obviously isn't feeling well.
Any ideas or suggestions are welcomed.  It almost looks like we are winning
the small battles but losing overall.  The improvement we saw last week may
be slipping away.  E-mail to [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 1328]