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Wed, 6 Sep 1995 07:21:10 -0400
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Well I finally picked up my two ferrets last night.  They are both female
and about 3 years in age.  They are absolutely wonderful...  more than I
could have hoped for.  Their names are Helen (her mask is a beautiful dark
color and quite pretty) and Ceridwen (the Kittymalt poster girl) *laugh*
While Helen settled in quite nicely, Ceridwen took a bit longer...  she was
scratching at herself constantly as if she had fleas or something, but after
a thorough check of the slightly squirming critter, she had no such signs.
I am assuming that perhaps this was due to the stress of being moved to a
new home, and she seems to have calmed down nicely.  Figured the kittymalt
would be a good thing for her if she kept lapping and nipping the way she
was, and boy did she love the kittymalt...  thank god for small things, they
also dont seem to mind getting their nails clipped...  although I am
hesitant to think about what shampooing them will be like *grin*
So.  My question is this: I thought that most ferret stool was black and
bellet like, more like rabbits.  Theirs tends to be red/orange in
coloration.  Is this normal?  They seem quite fine, I just want to make
sure :)
-- The Ferret Sisters
Act of the Week: "Food? food? wherewherewhere?! *sniffsnifflesnuffle* no
more goodies?!? *pout* *slinks away rapidly in search of more snacks*" --
Inspired by the looks of Meeko from Pocahontas when looking for biscuits.
[Posted in FML issue 1307]