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Wed, 2 Aug 1995 07:39:51 -0400
"Kathleen Caudill's ferrets and Mom" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (134 lines)
Hi this is Shyla and my mommy is Kelleen.  She is always writing to you guys
about us fuzzies so I thought I'd write and tell you what SHE did to ME
tonite!!!!!!  There I was laying next to her on the pillow up on the couch
sound asleep like she likes me to do and all of a sudden she went to drink
her scotch-n-soda (the flavored pop version) and it spilled all over
me!!!!!!  Oh yeh it spilled all over her too but that is unimportant!!!!!!!!
She rushed me into the bathroom and filled the sink with warm water and
washed me all off, boy did I start to shiver!!!!  She wrapped me in the
shammy but I wasn't having any of that nice crap from her or Daddy, I WAS
PISSED and I let them know it!!!!  Mommy tried to trap me in her shirt for
awhile so I would stay warm but I fought like a banshee until she finally
let me go about my business!!!!  I started jumping all over the place and
would suddenly stop and chew on my fur, Mommy said she couldn't help it and
laughed at me!!!!!  She kept hanging around trying to sweet-talk me so I
decided to start attacking her legs, seemed like a good idea to me but she
just laughed some more!!!!!!  Mommy figured out a little later that the lid
on the pop was broken and when she put it to her mouth one side came loose
and that's how it happened, SURE, SURE A LIKELY STORY!!!!!!!  She told me
that maybe she had inadvertantly cured my addiction to scotch-n-sodas but I
showed her, half an hour later I went back to the cup for another drink and
she felt so guilty about what happened that for the first time she let me
have all I wanted!!!!!!  ( Maybe I can arrange for more such accidents to
happen if that's the way it works!!!!  Heh, Heh, Heh!!!!!!!!) But don't tell
Mommy I said that it's a secret just between you and me, OK?????  After I
got my fill of pop I decided I'd let her love me for a bit and then I went
to the bedroom door and found it closed cuz Daddy had gone to bed so I
started my usual digging at the carpet by the door trying to get in and HOT
DAMN instead of putting us in the cage like last time she opened the door
and let us in!!!!!!  I like this guilt thing a lot!!!!!  Well, now that the
bedroom is open it's off to sleep for me so my brother Fang will take over
and tell you about his evening!!!!!  BYE!!!!!
    Hi there this is FANG, not THE ANCIENT FANG (my namesake) but the new
FANG.  Boy is Shyla spoiled!!!!  But of course I'M NOT!!!!!!  HA, HA, HA!!!!
Mommy is such a pushover but we sure are glad to be living here now and not
with those dumb people and their 4 yr.  old son we used to live with!!!!!
Silverada and I had no idea on all the things we missed out on our first
year!!!!!  Tonite Mommy kept her promise and she and Daddy took us to this
thing called a park!!!!  I had no idea what one of those was till we got
there and boy was I excited!!!!  Lots of room to explore and a great place
to dig to my hearts content!!!!!  Mommy had also finished stripping and
repainting our new/old car cage and it was great!!!!!  A lot smaller than
our other cage but very cozy and there was this thing Mommy called a hammock
in it and we all piled in (all 4 of us) and cuddled together and slept!!!!
It was really neat!!!!  Mommy was so proud we liked the job she did and we
really love her a lot for all the stuff she does for us!!!  We had never had
on harnesses or leashes before tonite but they were kind of fun because
Mommy has gone to a lot of work to make leash extensions so we can go a LOT
further than we normally would be able to and we all criss-crossed each
other a zillion times and made the biggest possible mess of the leashes that
we could but Mommy didn't get mad at all!!!!  We had our super heavy ceramic
water dish that we can't knock over and food so we were right at home!!!!
After awhile Mommy and Daddy disconnected the leash extenders and extricated
us from our mess so we could go for a walk even further than we had gone!!!!
Mom took Shyla and Rowdy and Dad had me and Silverada.  Shyla and Rowdy went
a long, long ways away with Mommy but Silver is a bit weird for a fuzzie she
isn't extremely curious and she definitely isn't fearless!!!!!  I think she
had a panic attack realizing how big the world out there is and she didn't
want to go very far at all, and when she encountered Daddy's foot she
snuggled up to it and refused to move.  I decided to give her a break and
found this great place to dig so I started doing that and Daddy just sat
down and snuggled with Silver until Mommy was done with our sisters
walk!!!!!  Pretty soon they came back and we piled into the cage and off we
went home.  We all snuggled in the hammock again and passed out!!!!  What
fun we had and I can't wait to go to the park again!!!!!  Well Mommy has
caught me on the computer so I guess I'd better go because she wants to
write a little something too I guess!!!!!  BYE TILL NEXT TIME!!!!!!!
    Hi guys it's Kelleen, finally the kids are off the computer so I get to
use it!!!!!  Between them and David it's a wonder I ever get any time on it
at all!!!!!  Well since Shyla and Fang have been talking I guess I'll
mention their absolutely most favorite treat in the world!!!!!  They
discovered it about a week ago and whenever I have some they go absolutely
crazy begging for it until they get some!!!  I know it's a no-no but they
totally love that String Thing Fruit Snacks!!!!!!!  Any flavor is just fine
with them and If I don't give them it fast enough they jump up on the couch
and attack the whole thing while I'm eating it!!!!  They probably shouldn't
have it but the soulful look in their eyes while they are begging is
completely irresistable, so they always get some!!!!  The first time they
discovered it there was only Shyla and Rowdy who get along perfectly all the
time but this time when I went to give Rowdy her bites Shyla reared up, put
her front paws on Rowdy's shoulder and forcefully pushed her away!!!!!  I
was in total shock at this because there has never been anything that any of
them have been willing to fight over until this.  Well Rowdy decided it
wasn't all that and just walked away and went about her business and let
Shyla have it all!!!!  Thank God for that anyway!!!!!  Oh the cutest thing
happened the other day.  We went to Zamzows to pick up some food and that is
where we bought Shyla and Rowdy!!!!  Well our dogs apparently remember this
very well because we took them in to meet the ferrets one at a time the day
we got our baby girls!!!!!  We had to make sure the dogs wouldn't hate them
or vice-versa!!!!!  Well when we went in the other day we just had the dogs
with us so we took all three in together with us and immediately Rascal and
Silly disappeared on us.  I started calling for them but only Silly showed
up....  I kept calling and calling for Rascal but she was nowhere to be
found.  I was looking all over when the lightbulb over my head went on,
finally, and I headed for the back room where they keep the animals for
sale!!!!!  Sure enough there she was getting loads of attention from all the
people in there as she stood near the ferret cage!!!!!!!  There were 4
ferrets in there and she refused to leave that room and kept looking from me
to the ferrets and back again over and over!!!!!  I knew she was telling me
that she wants a WHOLE LITTER of fuzzies to be the Poda-ferret Mommy to and
she wanted me to bring those four home with us too!!!!!  Well I felt bad but
had to tell her no for the time being because we can't afford any more at
$145 a pop, besides we would rather rescue ferrets that are in bad homes or
not wanted anymore!!!!  The ferrets at zamzows sell very quickly so there is
no shortage of homes but the ones advertised in the paper don't always get
the good homes they so desperately need!!!!!  Fang and Silverare proof that
these babies need good, loving homes far more than the new ones at the
stores!!!!!  Oh yeh, it took me TEN whole minutes to get Rascal to leave the
ferret room so we could finally go home.....  By the way I did make a
mistake when I told everyone that my Mom had gotten some soft tubing to put
around the doors to the ferret penthouse!!!!  I checked on it when I was at
my Mom's the other day and it is very similar to the folder protectors
plastic slip on sides but it is actually much more heavy duty than even that
is, so there should be no problem with them chewing and eating it!!!!
    SORRY!!!!!  Well I apologise for making this so long but between the
babies and I we had a lot of things to tell everybody about and you know
these fuzzies when they set their minds on something!!!!  Thanks for your
patience and I hope you enjoyed this, we sure did!!!!!!!!  BYE FOR NOW,
Kelleen - The ferret cage refinisher and Mommy!
David - "zzzzzzzzzzzzz" and Daddy!
Shyla and Fang - Give me that string thing or I'll rip your throat
Rowdy and Silver - These two are really addicts you know, between the string
thing and the scotch-n-sodas Mommy is going to have to send them to the Betty
Ford Clinic!!!!!!!!!
Rascal - Mooooommy, please can't we take them home with us?????  Four is NOT
a litter you know!!!!!!
Silly  - "zzzzzzzzzz"  And we thought we were spoiled!!!!!  What a joke!!!!!
Moneybags - "If you let Rascal bring them home I'm packing my bags and
thumbing it somewhere else!!!!! I MEAN IT MOM!!!!!!!!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 1273]