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Sat, 3 Jun 1995 18:59:08 -0400
"Meg Carpenter, Chaotic Ferrets" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (91 lines)
Hello FML:
Still trying to figure out this darned computer.  It is scary.  I now think
it is watching me.  Not sure my last post made it, so will try again on other
Andersol - please respond to e-mail if you got it & questions concerning
enlarged vulva in your ferret.  If you see this post & did not receive my
mail - please write.  I am concerned about your ferret.
Sue Kocher - please do not deprive your ferrets food and water when
traveling.  Especially in summer - but never, never under any circumstances.
 Ferrets can become severely dehydrated and could die if they go to long
without food and water.  Perhaps some of the frantic activity you have noted
is because the ferrets are deperate for water and food!  Remember, as you
noted, ferrets metabolize everything in about 2-3 hours.  They need water
source & food source at all times.   I travel with my ferrets, ususally four
to eight guys at a time, on the road.  If weather is very hot, I usually plan
travel at night. Pit stops in hot weather - leave ac on, motor running,
lock-up with extra set of keys & make mad dash to the ladies room.  I know
this is not a good way, but will not risk my guys to heat for even short
Since I have a sports car with bucket seats in front and back, I have cages
that - turned sideways - fit a snug brace on back seat to back of front seat.
 These cages open from top for easy access.  I always have litter box to
front(to avoid sliding on stops) and two water bottles attached with food in
plastic secured bowls.  I also have two small wire cages - about the size of
average enclosed carrier, that I transport animals in when weather is warm  -
for short trips.
While on the subject of HOT weather - remember - our little fuzzies cannot
tolerate heat much above 80 degrees - 85 degrees is pretty critical.  Had a
number of calls last summer on ill ferrets which turned out to be heat
stress.  If ferrets are going to be  in heat for a little while, have a
bottle of water and spritz them frequently to help cool them down.  Watch out
for lethargy in ferret.  Keep housing areas for ferrets below 80 degrees ---
For Charlene - this might be problem with your albino - how warm is your
Someone asked me what symptoms were for a ferret going "adrenal".  Since I
acidentally deleted the letter, I will respond here.  I may never get the
hang of this thing.  Ferrets who may have either benign or malignant adrenal
tumors might exhibit some or all of the following symptoms:  Loss of hair at
base of tail, spreading up back. Loss of hair on legs,  especially for some
reason - in males.  The skin of the ferret will appear thin or fragile.  The
ferret will usually lose weight, although continue to eat.  Fatty
"saddlebags" may be noted on inside of thighs as fat deposits redistribute in
the affected animal.  Female ferrets will usually have an enlarged vulva and
nipples may be more prominent or appear darker pink or red.  Male ferrets may
have some nipple elargement and appearance changes as well.  While adrenal
problems are much more common in females, do not neglect the symptoms in
males.  Ferrets may also exhibit weakness of hindquarters, with loss of
balance and/or staggering when they walk.  If anything here is not correct or
if you have anything to add, BRUCE WILLIAMS, please do so.  Don't know why,
but have logged 17 phone calls in last 8 days on adrenal problems.
Many have asked if adrenal problems are on up-rise or appearing at younger
ages.  The answer is yes to both.  One reason, is to me, quite clear.  With
the growing popularity of ferrets, there are of course more to get sick.
 More are being bred for pets.  Early neutering is definitely a factor since
it is felt - in lay terms - that the adrenals try to take over the hormone
activity necessary for the ferret when part of the ferrets endocrine system
has been removed.
There does seem to be some correlation in incidence in younger ferrets
developing adrenal disease and the incidence of the dreaded greenies.  While
I have been keeping records for several years, nothing at this point can
definitely be pinned on the "green diarrhea". Perhaps these ferrets were
pre-disposed to develop adrenal problems as geriatrics, but ravage of disease
brought it to the fore in younger animals.  At this point - only speculation.
 Please Do Not Consider This As Anything Other Than Speculation , and only on
my part.  I also have other opinions and others do as well.  Regardless, once
the affected adrenal is out - usually the left - and whether it is malignant
or benign tumor - the removal is the cure.   How individual ferrets respond
to treatment varies.  Remember - I can be called at any time for ferret
nursing advice.  Meg Carpenter / ChaoticFer / telephone 703-765-4343.  I am
Nat. Coordinator for Health for the League of Independent Ferret Enthusiasts
(L.I.F.E.)  Regards to all, Meg
P.S.  I would like all of you FML'rs to know that I was FORCED to get a
computer & on line.  My whole life has changed
, and the computer virus I caught yesterday is getting worse.  I could DIE
from a Computer Virus, for heaven sakes. Now all of you have to suffer along
with me as I yakkety, yak.  Thanks for this goes to Age Dog who donated her
old computer; Pam & John Grant who hauled up to Va. from Fla.; ACMEferret &
Howard Davis, my computer gurus who, with the help of a hack friend, upgraded
the darned thing.  Just two weeks ago I was a happy, carefree person who had
successfully avoided computers for an entire life.   Now, I am a frustrated
old crone bent over from "computer learning" stress.  Nevertheless, Thanks,
my friends for caring enough to get me on line.  Regards to all.  meg
[Posted in FML issue 1215]