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Sat, 6 Jan 1996 17:25:21 EST
"Sandy E. Schieman" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (70 lines)
Greetings to all ferrets and ferret-folks.
The other day, Tater told the tale (tail?) of how he jumped on Thor's back
and rode him around the room until the poor cat let go of the toy Kelleen
had sent him.  There is more to this little story, all of it true.  The
reason I point this out is that someone here once made reference to
'enjoying all the made up stories' about ferrets.  Just for the record, I
have never had to make up a story about Tater.  The little guy is proof
positive of the old adage about truth being stranger (and a whole lot more
fun) than fiction.
And now for the *rest* of the story.
Later that same night, Mee Maw went into the bedroom and found Thor dragging
Tater out of the laundry hamper by the nape of the poor li'l guy's neck.
Tater's favorite places to sleep, when we are not in the room, are my
underwear drawer and the hamper.  Anyway, Tater did not seem to be the least
bit upset by what was happening to him.  Thor looked like a mama cat who had
decided to move a kitten to a safer location.  Very strange behavior for a
neutered, male cat I would think.
My theory is that Tater had just not waked up enough to realize what was
happening to him.  If he had been awake enough, he might have taken Thor for
another 'Midnight Ride' around the room.  I have no idea what was going
through Thor's mind at the time - cats are just so inscrutable.  He was not
acting hostile, was not growling and did not have a look in his eyes that
said, "Yum, what a fat rat I have found".  Tater and Thor have, in fact,
become pretty good friends and play together often.  Perhaps Thor was just
tired of Tater sleeping half the day, wanted to play, and decided to drag
the little guy out for a romp.  I really don't know.  Suffice it to say,
Thor has been banned from the bedroom, for the time being.  Any ideas?
One other thing I'd like to share, and then I'll hush (you're welcome!).
When Tater first came to us, he was only affectionate and cuddly when he
first woke up from a nap.  At other times he was just to 'busy' to be
bothered with any petting or cuddling.  Recently, however, he has been known
to stop in the middle of a war dance and lean into a hand that tries to
stroke him.  He especially seems to enjoy having his sides scratched, his
head rubbed, his chin stroked and his belly rubbed.  He won't put up with
any of this for mare than a few minutes at a time; then it's back to being
busy.  He certainly is one sweet li'l' guy.  I think he might just be
responding to the fact that he gets to sleep with us, curls up between us
and enjoys himself.  Is this a sign of ferret-human bonding?  I certainly
hope so.  What do you folks think?
OK, I know that I promised to hush and I will here in a minute.  We are
expecting snow here in Atlanta tonight - not much, maybe an inch or two.
You folks who live up North will probably be bored by this, so feel free to
skip ahead to the next post, if you already haven't.  For those of you who
are still with me, one inch of snow is a very big deal here in the 'Hub of
the South'.  One li'l' ol', measly inch can shut the city down for days.  Us
Georgia Crackers just don't know how to deal with the 'white stuff' unless,
of course, it's grits.
Anyhow, I hope we do get some snow tonight.  I've been reading all the posts
about ferts going snow snorkeling, and wishing I would get the chance to se
Tater do that.  It sounds like a real HOOT!  Yes, I will take pictures
should it come to pass.
Hushing now.
Many Dooks, Fuzzy Hugs and Cold Wet Noses in the Middle of the
Night, from,
Paw Paw, Mee Maw and Tater (and a few cats who still aren't quite
sure about this ferret business)
Atlanta, Georgia - Winter Capitol of the South
[Posted in FML issue 1436]