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Mon, 18 Dec 1995 00:56:49 -0500
text/plain (49 lines)
Fellow Ferreteers,
First of all, I love the FML.  I look forward to reading it and being
educated and entertained.  I admire and envy all of you who care so much
about ferrets and have so many in your homes!  Reading about your generosity
is great.
I have one ferret, Pixie, and although I love him and do my best, I
constantly wonder whether I'm doing the right thing or if it's normal for
him (or me) to act a certain way.  I went to this pet expo here in
Cincinnati last week.  It was okay, and of course I hovered near the ferret
display.  I talked to breeders who appeared to be knowledgable and all, but
some of the information they gave me contradicted what I've read on the FML
or what other people have told me.
I feed Pixie "Marshall's Premium Ferret Diet", and I have been for four
months (ever since I got Pix).  I kept him on the diet mostly because that's
what the man at the pet store assured me was best for Pix.  Is it boring for
Pix, do you think, to have no variety?  And, most importantly, is there any
other food equal to or better than Marshalls?  I'm just asking b/c I've
noticed that most FMLers seem to favor Iams.  The people at the pet expo
told me that feeding ferrets cat food will shorten their life span.  Is that
b.s...?  I'm thinking that maybe the people there were just trying to
endorse the food they were advertising ("Totally Ferret").
Pixie will not eat raisins, or kitty treats, or anything else (once he ate
Jell-O, though... just a little bit) so if I do switch his foods will it be
difficult for me to make the change?  Maybe if I combine them... (?) See,
I'm thinking about getting another ferret (I'll try to adopt one rather than
buy one from a shop) and it might be a little straining for me to buy ten
dollars' worth of Marshalls every week.  I'm just a student...:) And maybe
if I combine Iams with Marshalls that will be okay.(?)
They also told me that ferrets purchased from stores that have been neutered
(like Pix) are in danger.  They said that pet stores often spay or neuter
the babies too early, and damage tissue or leave tissue behind.  Is that
more b.s.?  Should I get Pixie checked?  Again, maybe, since they were
breeders, they were trying to encourage people to buy from them.  I wish I
I hope my paranoia hasn't sedated anyone, and thank you for your help :)
              Bethie & Pixie Louis
              [log in to unmask]
p.s. When a ferret licks you, do you think it's a sign of affection..? I'm
     crossing my fingers...
[Posted in FML issue 1415]