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Thu, 7 Dec 1995 13:03:04 -0500
Marc Wilson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
In answer to James' questions:
Q!: Introducing ferrets to a home with indoor cats: I have three ferrets and
two indoor cats.  The cats HATE the ferrets ...  actually I think they are
TERRIFIED of them.  I keep the ferrets in a cage during the day and they are
safe and happy.  When its time for the ferrets to be let out, the cats go
into the back bedroom and the bedroom door is securely shut.  Then my three
fuzzies have the rest of the house to themselves!
Q2:  Living in California (FFZ):  Can't help you on this one.
Q3:  Taking ferrets in the shower and the worry of getting water in their
ears: I posted this question a few weeks ago and still have not received an
answer.  So here goes again ...  is it bad to get water in a ferret's ear,
and if so, is taking a ferret in a shower such a good idea??????
I hope your search for a fuzzy to adopt goes well, James!  I know my three
fuzzies have been a source of never-ending enjoyment in my life!
Marc Wilson
Alexandria, VA
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[Posted in FML issue 1405]