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Thu, 19 Oct 1995 20:56:00 -0400
Kimberly Huber <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (14 lines)
Hi everyone!  I'm new to the FML.   I've been ferret-proofing and poop
scooping since 1987 and I currently have two wonderful fuzzies, Doofus and
Snook.   I wanted to comment on Elisa Beth's post because I recently
experienced the same thing.  A couple of weeks ago,  Doofus was sound asleep
in his cage when he suddenly started squealing quite loudly.  I ran over to
his cage, my heart pounding, thinking that he was ill.  Instead, I found him
in a typical ferret position - lying curled up on his side in his hammock.
Only this time, all four little feet were twitching and he was making the
aforementioned high-pitched squeals.  I figured he must be dreaming [perhaps
he dreamt he was chasing after the Raisin Train :-) ], so I rubbed the back
of his head gently to wake him up.  He opened his eyes and looked at me,
then yawned and went right back to sleep!  Ah, to live a ferret's life.
[Posted in FML issue 1351]