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Sat, 14 Oct 1995 18:18:58 -0400
Pam Grant and STAR* Ferrets <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
>From:    Harber Norris <>
>Subject: STAR Ferrets' German Beasties.
>What I've been curious about are the German hobs that Pam Grant got a year
>or so ago.  I guess its too soon to tell, but I figured I'd ask anyway.
>Pam, have you been able to tell if your first generation American ferrets
>are any more healthy than the others?
my German males are now 3 and a half years old.  The first litter was born
2.5 years ago and I do have a male from that litter.  Several ferrets in my
home are wither 50% German or 25% German right now, and I'll be commencing
breeding some mixes from one male's line with the 100% of the other line
next year.
All in my household are healthy, solid and wonderful.  Some males from some
litters did have retained testicles, but that could be attributed to the
size of the kits, the American jills or the German/American cross.  All have
been neutered and not used for breeding that I knew of.
Importing new bloodlines will really not prove itself for several more
years.  I know of Australian and English ferrets that have been imported for
breeding by other clubs/breeders.  I'm happy with the size and shapes of the
German ferrets myself and am happy I took off on this track.  Peter Koch,
Friends of Ferrets in NJ, also has German jills and hobs.  My kits are all
gone for this year, but I am planning on breeding one American line to
another American line (cinnamons) and then the German/American mixes with
the opposite German males next year, so hopefully we will have more big kits
next year to find homes for (for those with an interest in BIG ferrets and
big heads).
[Posted in FML issue 1345]