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Mon, 25 Sep 1995 21:21:49 -0800
Gary Holowicki <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (129 lines)
>Hi! My name is Andree and I had posted a while back on the FML that I
>am doing a paper on herbal and holistic treatments of cancer. I recall
>reading about Timmys formula a few times on there and I wondered if you
>could tell me the story of how you developed this formula and why you use
>each ingredient (sp?). I hope that I will be able to use this as a possible
>comparison to treatments used in humans. Thanks for any help you can give
>ahead of time.   Andree
[note to BIG:  I'm posting a copy of this to the FML as there have been
others' who ask the same question.  I gather then, it could be of general
interest, and you can hold it for a short list if you like since it is a
bit long.  GH]
    I should first off state that the following is full of personal opinions
that others might disagree with.  That is fine.  This is in answer to the
question of why did and am I doing what I am doing.  I am not telling anyone
what to believe, or that their beliefs are "wrong".
    OK, I sometimes think Timmy & I were put thru all we've been thru so
others could learn & profit from it.  In fact, when Timmy got out last Jan.,
I was praying that he would be safe not just for him & myself, but that
others' might profit from what we went thru.  My prayers were answered when
a lady found him in the middle of a six lane highway with cars going over
him, but they did not hit him!  (Thank you God and all friendly spirit
helpers!).  I'm hearing there are many ferrets that are doing better having
used Timmy's recipe, and that's really nice.
    The origional 2000 hrs.  of research I did when my brother was suffering
from leukemia.  He had the AMA model of cancer, and rejected the model &
treatment I and others came up with, and was poisioned to death in 1989 by
chemotherapy.  A friend of mine said, Timmy had no such belief system
burdoning him, so is doing fine.
    The model I ascribe to is that cancer is not a disease in the "classical
sense", but rather a symptom that the immune system is crashing, very
overburdoned.  This is logically understandable from the fact that cancer is
runaway cell devision.  This needs a single cell to mutate twice.  The
normal mutation rate is 1 in a million.  So the odds are 1 million times 1
million to one.  (1,000,000,000,000 : 1), or one trillion to one.  The body
normally takes care of mutant cells by having a white blood cell engulf or
"eat" the mutant, until it is "full", then it is eliminated via the lymph
system.  There are also white cells that are cycled thru the thymus or
"educated" to become T cells, that can identify and inject mutants with
hydrogen peroxide.  Their efficiency, of course, is many times the normal
white cell.  These are what AMA science might describe as the "magic
    Our immune system many years ago was not burdoned with cells being
killed off by polution in our air, water, and food supply, so it had life
lots easier, and was better able to handle the mutants.  Our cells' health
was also much better in the past when food was grown in fertile soil, and
not processed so that 98% of it's value was destroyed as often is the case
today.  (such as white flour and rice where the nutrient rich outer layers
are removed.  Actually, this practice started when it was discovered that
grains so processed were not attacked by bugs & mice.  Maby they knew it
didn't have enough nutrition to support life!)
    So the rise in cancers might be said to be caused by a combination of a
weakened body from starvation from eating very poor quality food, the added
burdens of poisions in our air, water, and food supplies, and even stresses
from the hectic lives we lead all too often.
    Timmy's recipe follows, with notes in brackets, "[]" as you request.
{Bilblio: The Cancer Answer, by Al Carter, ISBN: 0-9619041-1-9}
Timmy & friends' maintenance food recipe (Supplement to regular dry food &
 treats) a/o 9/21/95
    The following recipe is for 8 ferrets, can be refrigerated or use
smaller amounts proportionally.
4   jars (4oz.ea.) Earth's Best organic Turkey Vegetable baby food
    (800- 442-4221)
    [I recently switched to organic for all the previous reasons given.
    I also find that Turkey Pro Plan uses organic grains!]
2   tsp. Ferratone
    [this is a source of essiential oils & vitamins, also for coat & taste]
1   heaping tsp. Lewis Labs Brewers yeast
    [good source of chromium & B complex]
1/2 tsp. powdered garlic    (NOT garlic salt!)
    [known for thousands of years to help the immune system.  Natural
    antibiotic, anti fungual, and anti viral]
2   scoops KMR (kitten milk replacement)  [added source of quality proteins]
2-4 Tbl. pure water    [helps consistancy]
8   cc  Pet Tinic liquid vitamins
    [good source of B complex and "liver fractions".. ferrets have been
    found to profit from certain "unknown" or yet to be identified
    substances in liver for optimum health]
1   30mg CoQ10 capsule (contents only)
    [immune system booster, antioxidant, cell stamina & indurance enhancer]
800-1000  mg. Vitamin. C powder  [all the same health benefits as in humans]
1   cc Colloidal Silver (270ppm) available from Silver Wings, 800-952-4787.
   (not used as a therapeutic dose, but just a general immune system booster)
    If the ferret is slow to accept this, put a tsp. or so of clover
honey in per jar of baby food, for taste.
A)  If ferret is skinny,  and / or not eating well, Deliver 2.0 high
calorie supplement (Mead Johnson mfg.) from any pharmacy would be added
to approx. 30% of recipe by volume.  (Not a critical ratio.)
B)  If  ill, would add 7-10cc per ferret per jar of baby food of PWS
2000 herbal supplement, and provide water with clover honey & PWS at ratio
of 1/2 C. water, 1 Tbl. clover honey, and 10cc herbal tonic. (I can provide
purchase info.)  [this has over 30 herbs and extracts that provide a "super
nutrient" boost.  In other words, concentrated nutrition without the energy
burden of digesting it from the equivalent raw food stuffs.]
C)  If ill would also use colloidal silver as natural anti biotic &
immune system booster.  Depending on condition, have used .2cc up to
2cc/ferret /day in divided doses. (mine lick it right off the dropper).
D)  If ill, I would add 1/2 capsule  2x/ day /ferret of Immuplex 4960 by
Standard Process Co. that Dr. McCluggage of Boulder prescribed for Timmy.
This might not be absolutely critical as Timmy was 85% healed by the time
he got to Boulder,  but he also said that the last 15% of the lymphoma was
most important to get rid of, as if he slipped backwards, it would be much
harder to beat the second time.  I also found it available at a good health
food store here in Scottsdale. [again, this is a source of concentrated
nutrients and micro nutrients.]
    This is offered as research information, not a guarantee or "medical
advice"; Consult your favorite health practitioner as appropriate, etc.
[Posted in FML issue 1332]