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Tue, 12 Sep 1995 20:49:21 -0700
Kelleen Andrews <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
Well I now have conclusive proof that white feet are not required for
teleportation in ferrets.  ROWDY (again) somehow managed to get up on my
kitchen counters today and I found her in the sink 3 times and by the
microwave pushing things off of the counter one by one (to get mom's
attention perhaps???) so I removed ANY possible climbing utensil from near
the cabinets and within 5 minutes "CRASH" there she was again so either she
is a perfect wall-crawler or she has mastered teleportation!!!!  Since
Meetoo IS white-footed if she is going to be worse than this then I give
Meetoo has managed today to discover some route INTO the couch!!!  I have
drug her out at least 5 times in the last 2 hours and am now completely worn
out....  Gotta figure out how she is doing it since we stuffed all the
cracks w/blankets and staple gunned a material covering to the bottom of
it....  I know she is getting through from the bottom somehow and this
morning at 3 am SHYLA was the first to be found in the couch so apparently
she has now taught Meetoo the secret, NOW TEACH MOMMY!!!!!
Well I have decided perhaps Silver was not the culprit in Racy's eye injury
a while ago since I now know Racy is totally blind so perhaps she merely ran
into something D had left on the floor (easier to teach ferrets than David
Caramon's name is changed and from this day forward he shall be known as
Lightstar due to his goodness and lovingness, he shall battle the skeleton
warriors of earth alongside me!!!!  (I know, I'm getting even weirder) And
Racy shall also battle alongside us w/all the others.  Perhaps I can find a
Kung Fu master to teach my blind and deaf babies then they will no longer
have a disability but an advantage!!!!
BIG : Sorry I didn't make myself clear about the Imrab vaccine situation,
my vet's receptionist had told me I would have to pay the price of the
bottle of the vaccine only!  Not the cost of vaccinations not given, but
when I mentioned it to the vet he simply said he would charge me normal
vaccination prices and didn't even mention me paying for any unused
vaccine.....  I'm truly brain-dead and exhausted lately due to my "boring"
life and didn't make that very clear.......
Well I gotta go now SHYLA is trying to ride the scooter and thinks she is
the epitomy of a biker ferret so I gotta get her rear in the other room.....
My heartfelt condolences to those w/passed on babies recently!!!
Fuzzy Kisses Forever, Kelleen & the INSANE Animal House!!!!!!
P.S.  NO word from the creep or his collection agency yet!!!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 1313]