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Thu, 10 Aug 1995 16:34:08 -0400
"Brittany A. Frompovich" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (55 lines)
Hello everyone.  January of this year I was thrilled with the idea of
moving out of my house since I was graduating college.  My parents
allowed lizards (hence, my large iguanas Socrates and Tailless) but no
ferrets.  I began researching the idea immediately.
Several weeks after I moved into my new apartment, I had been calling
around the local pet stores.  No one had ferrets.  No one was getting
ferrets for quite awhile (Christmas or Thankgiving...gift-giving
holidays.) I was stuck...or so I thought.
One day after coming home from a long walk to the pet store, I felt
rather restless and unfocused.  I couldn't get my mind off ferrets.  I
would pace the room, then sit down on the couch, then spring right back
up and pace again.  As if my hands were being guided, I suddenly found
myself calling the local pet stores again.  As usual, all replies were
"No ferrets."  Why was I doing this?
I almost closed the yellow pages when I realized there was one last store
in town I had not called.  Reluctantly, almost anticipating disappointment,
I began to call.  Minutes later, I was behind the wheel of my 4x4 heading
to this tiny shop...a single ferret had been dropped off by his family only
an hour ago.  The family was moving away and he could not go with them.
Needless to say, the pet store owner was surprised by the turn of
events.  The ferret, an albino male, decented and neutered, was
everything I had hoped for.  Less than 2 hours after losing his family,
Sage had a new home.
Today, about four months after Sage came home, he is quite merry and
well-adjusted.  He has learned his new name (his original name was
"Pinky", which he didn't respond to anyway).  He is less than a year old,
and he is well loved by this ferret fanatic.  Everywhere we go, he always
seems to be turning heads in this small country town.  He is quite a
celebrity on our block.  All the local children suddenly appear when we
come walking down the street.  Sage loves the affection and attention.
After all the sad stories on the FML lately, I thought I would share my
happy one.
If anyone on this list is in the Susquehanna Valley, PA (Berwick,
Nesopeck, Bloomsburg, Milton, Millville, Mt. Carmel, Danville,
Northumberland, Buckhorn, or Sunbury) and has a ferret looking for a good
home, I can and will provide one.  Please contact me personally at my
e-mail address.
Thank you...sorry to take up so much space!
Bright bless and love to all of you and the creatures in your care,
Brittany, Sage, Socrates, Tailless
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I'm wild, I'm free...I've got the power of music in me!
[Posted in FML issue 1281]