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Thu, 3 Aug 1995 20:48:12 -0700
Starla Dill <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (48 lines)
Thanks to everyone who took an interest in Halie's story.  I thought
that it would be best if I finally posted a message about what I have
learned, especially since Halie and Tribrissen seem to have been getting
a lot of attention lately.
We got the path. report back today and she did indeed die from a drug
reaction with Tribrissen.  The pathologist believes that such incidents are
rare and that this situation was unfortunate and unforseeable.  He is a
specialist in exotic animals and has never seen a Tribrissen reaction in
a ferret, supposes that it is unlikely to happen again, but that it
could.  The information that I recieved about the drug is that it has the
potential for reacting with bone marrow, and has been known to cause
deaths in other animals, most people reporting reactions in dogs.
I do not advocate that the drug is horrible and that no one should ever use it
again.  What my vet has said to me is that if another drug is available -
it would be best to use it instead of Tribrissen, but if another drug is
not available or Tribrissen looks like the best bet for the particular
situation, then it would be worth the risk to try to use the Tribrissen.
The risk of bone marrow reaction is most likely lower than losing an
animal because no other drug is available or no other drug works.  Use
this advise only if you feel that it helps - I don't mean to cause a panic.
As someone yesterday wrote in - it is true that all drugs have side-effects
and can cause death in freaky situations.  Halie's death was such a freaky
situation.  As with all medications, there are risks.  Anyway - I hope this
clears up the situation a bit.  As Carla said - I will at least look into
the drug for my own peace of mind, and will provide an update if I learn
anything important.
Aside from that, it has of course been difficult to see such a young and
energetic baby taken by such an incident.  I think I would have felt better
if it hadn't been a drug reaction.  But - thank you to all who have
expressed sympathy and understanding.  I appreciate it tremendously.  (And
a note to the woman who posted the "Horrors of Tribrissen" - I'm sorry that
everyone has jumped on you about it - thank you for at least caring so much
that you felt incited to action.  It means a lot.  Please do understand,
though, that this sort of thing may likely happen with other drugs - but I
don't think you are the fanatic that everyone makes you out to be.  We're
all ferret owners - it's sad to see everyone divide and be so harsh with
one another!  We all have fuzzies we love.).
Halie, I'm sure, sends kisses to everyone.  At least she's not suffering
anymore.  Thanks for everyone's concern and heartfelt sympathy.
- Starla.
[Posted in FML issue 1274]