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Mon, 8 May 1995 17:44:46 -0500
Carie Guppy <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
I would like to thank everyone who made a private posting to me about
Hershey's death.  They all were very touching and instrumental in my and
Morgan's healing process.  We spend a lot of time talking about him and both
the good and bad times we had with him ( the bad times being when he knocked
over my color-coded, very well organized collection of beads, which ended up
being vacuumed up and thrown away).  All of your condolences have very
special meaning to me!  However, I must admit that I was a bit offended and
hurt by Gary and Debbie's comments here on the FML!  I honestly think you're
kidding yourselves if you believe euthanasia to be a form of "poisoning
someone you love".  It's a more humane alternative than waiting for them to
suffer through the pain of drowning in their own fluids, or of a heart
attack.  Yes, it was the most difficult decision I've ever had to make, but I
hope someone makes the same decision for me when my time comes, and it's
obvious that I'm in pain.  We all have our own opinions, but please don't
tell me I did the wrong thing in having Hershey put to sleep.  I honestly
couldn't bear to see him suffer any longer, because I did love him more than
I or you could ever understand.  Don't want to start a war, just thought
their comments were out of line in my situation.  I wrote to the FML because
everyone here understands what I'm going through, not so I could be told I
made a terrible mistake.  Once again, I very much appreciate the
understanding and comfort I recieved from everyone.  My best wishes to all of
you and your babies!  Carie and her zoo
[Posted in FML issue 1188]