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Thu, 8 Feb 1996 17:07:00 -0500
"Brittany A. Frompovich" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (46 lines)
Hello everyone,
If you don't care for long stories, then skip this one.  If you indulge my
long-winded nature, I'll be grateful.
When I purchased Sage, my albino ferret, the pet store owner told me that
she was already neutered.  This delighted me, and besides it was (and still
is) that this is fairly standard practice now.  Almost all stores sell only
neutered ferrets.  I asked the pet store owner for names of local reputable
ferret vets.  I got the name of a reputable hospital in the area.  When I
asked around, the locals recommended this place and thought highly of it.
So Sage and I started seeing this vet for Sage's medical needs.
So when Sage came down with the flu and we went to the vet and got some
antibiotics.  While I was there the vet told me Sage needed to be neutered.
I was very surprised.  I said she had already been neutered.  The vet
vanished with Sage to talk to the other vets.  She then came back and told
me Sage had not been neutered because she lacked the characteristic belly
scar that a neutered animal would have.  I looked, and blew aside Sage's
belly fur to take a better look.  Okay, no scar.  So, trusting my vet's
opinion, I agreed to have Sage neutered.
I dropped off Sage yesterday so she could have her operation early this
morning.  Around noon, the vet calls and tells me that when she opened Sage
up she found that there was no uterus or ovaries.  It appeared Sage had
already been neutered.
I was in shock, cut the vet off with an angry "I'll be over to pick her up
at 8 p.m., good-bye!" I could tell the vet had been flustered when she
called (nervous no doubt, I sure would have been!), and that added to my
anger.  And now I'm waiting to get done with my day so I can go and pick her
up.  Only now I'm really livid; half angry with the vet's incompetence and
half angry with myself for ever believing this person was doing the right
I'll let you all know tomorrow what happens.  Wish me luck.  All I want now
is to get Sage home safe and sound and find a vet I can trust to give her a
post surgery checkup and make sure this vet didn't screw anything else up.
Please think of Sage in the coming days. Wish her well.
Thank you for listening,
Brittany and Sage
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[Posted in FML issue 1472]