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Sun, 26 Nov 1995 23:49:23 -0500
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
It truly was a Happy Thanksgiving.  I got to see Nixon for the first time
since Oct. 9th.  He seemed happy to see me too.  We played and played
untill we were both tired.  The next day, I got to give him a bath (always
good for a laugh or two) and clip his nails (thanks for the "Distract with
Ferretone Trick"!!!).  Then, it was off to see a friend of ours that wants
to get a ferret as soon as they are legal in MA (keeping those paws and
fingers crossed).  He was a hit.  I talked to my friend for a while about
how to care for them etc.  The books I had, and I asked him if he had access
to the Net.  He said he just needed a modem.  I told him one of the best
investments he could make in his ferrets happiness and his enjoyment would
be to get a modem and get on this list.  By the end Nixon was ready to fall
asleep in my arms, and had no desire to squirm away.  I noticed that if I
don't let him down when he struggles he eventually will give up and submit
to being held...  for a while.  Well, I'm back from Vacation now and won'
see him again untill finals are over for the Holidays.  Which reminds me:
You know you're ferrets spoiledfamily members ask what to get you for gifts
and the only ideas on the top of your head are:  A bigger ferret cage, a new
ferret hammock, and assorted ferret toys.
Nixon at times love to give kisses.  On my nose, cheek, forehead, hand,
elbow, wrist...  you name it, if it's exposed he'll lick it.
I asked this a while ago but I never saw a response.  Are there any ferret
magazines out there and how do I subscribe?
I was looking through one of my ferret books and it mentioned some of the
different colors that ferrets have.  Sable, etc., it mentioned something
called and Ecu Sable, but offered no explanation as to the difference
between that and a Sable.  What's the difference?
Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving.
Brian, Nixon (you're leaving? so soon?), Ashley (ditto), & Quibby (you're
leaving? Fine, just take the mutt with you)
[Posted in FML issue 1392]