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Thu, 2 Nov 1995 10:55:51 -0500
[log in to unmask] (GALE PUTT)
text/plain (19 lines)
Hi, it's been a while since I've had a chance to post anything, although
I read the list every day.
I have a question about traveling with a ferret from one of our local
ferret owners and though I didn't know the answer, I told him I was
confident that someone on the list would.
Here goes, the man's son moved to Las Vegas from Long Island, NY.  The
ferret is on L.I. with the father ferretsitting.  How can he safely get
the ferret to Las Vegas either alone or accompanied?  He has called all
the airlines and got nothing but confusion.  If this is too specific to
be of interest to the list, perhaps you could E-mail me with any advice
to give him.
By the way, rescued ferrets Sid and Nancy, (now known as Pandora and
Hercules are doing really well and have been happily accepted by our
other permanent fuzzies!  Thank you, Gale and the fuzzies
[Posted in FML issue 1365]