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Sat, 5 Aug 1995 00:06:48 -0500
Edward Tepporn <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
Hello again. Thank you so much to those of you who expressed your
condolences. It is still hard dealing with Cilla's death even though the
vet told me that the results of the autopsy revealed no indication of her
being crushed. She said that she could not find anything wrong with her
and that further diagnosis would require costly tissue cultures.
Pass Pets, the pet store where i bought her from, said that because the
autopsy did not really prove she had any kind of health defect, they were
only willing to let me have another ferret for half price. When I bought
her, they did not make clear that I would be responsible for all the
costs of autopsies and tissue cultures that would be required to prove
that she had a health defect to carry out the guarantee. Considereing that
those tests would have cost as much as another ferret, I decided not to
have the vet send away for tissue cultures. I have also decided that I am
not going to purchase my next ferret from them. I think what made me more
upset than anything else was that the manager of that store did not even
express any compassion concerning my loss.
I am currently looking for other places where I can purchase a ferret
from. I live in St Louis and have been having a hard time finding any
information about breeders. If any of y'all know of anyone, please email
me at the above address. Thank you again, and I look forward to future
postings about my new family member.
[Posted in FML issue 1276]