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Mon, 17 Apr 1995 12:47:15 EDT
Dan Kinney <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
One of my ferrets, Boofer, a sable spayed female, recently stopped eating,
playing, & just about everything else. She had cold symptions and is moody
anyway, so I waited  2 days before I took her to the vet. (By this time she
was also swallowing - as tho trying to 'get something down' and seemed
Anyway, Xrays showed three objects that looked pretty much like Maalox
tablets, but seemed shaped perfectly, like plastic or something.  They seem
too large for her to have eaten impulsively - she's 2 lbs even when in good
health. Two were lodged in her stomach and one down around her kidneys.
Even after racking my brain, I don't have a clue wha t they may be.
That was Friday. Saturday she returned to the vet and the Xray showed the
object near the kidney was - gone.  The other two were still in her
stomach. Nothing in her stool - which has turned green - seemed to indicate
her passing any weird objects. Further mystifacation. We decided to let her
be a few days and do some more Xrays tomorrow (Tuesday) before going in
after whatever is in there.
Boofer's now sleeping 20 hours a day or so and drinking a sort of soup mush
on her own (she had to be force fed water for a day or so earlier). She is
not a happy ferret, but seems to be holding her own.
I realise now I should have posted this earlier, but here's the question:
this ring a bell with anyone?  Any suggestions? My ferrets' diet is
normally Iam's kitten food w/raisins and whatever. I have not given her any
laxatives of any kind.  Would greatly appreciate any comments either
privately or posted. Thanks alot.
Dan, Boofer , Bert & family
[Posted in FML issue 1168]