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Thu, 15 Dec 1994 19:07:11 -0700
"Linda M. Doran" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
To Dr. Williams and others:
Welcome to the new vet!
Esperanza, the ferret with the recently "glassy" urine (which I haven't been
finding here of late), had a urinalysis that showed a specific gravity of
1.040, which I understand is normal, and a urobilinogen reading of .2
mg/deciliter, which Dr. Williams thought was a little high (my vets don't
really know for sure but said it was "probably normal" in comparison to
dogs and cats, which is all they had to go by). Her BUN/creatinine was
normal at .5 and 28.
Is it still necessary to get another CBC for Espie, or is it possible to
deduce anything from her last CBC of 10/27? She seemed a bit lethargic
during C-pi's surgery and illness, so I had her checked. The vet didn't
find anything particularly alarming, especially since she seemed to be
feeling better and was more active again by the time we did the test.
Here are the results (I don't pretend to know what all this means):
WBC 3.4/low/the test was rechecked ... RBC 9.2/normal ... HGB 14.7/slightly
low ... PCV 42 percent/normal ... MCV 46/slightly low ... MCH 16.0/slightly
low ... MCHC 35 percent/normal ... RBC morphology normal ... neutrophils 40
percent/low/absolute 1360/normal ... lymphocytes 57 percent/high/appear
mature/absolute 1938/normal ... monocytes 1 percent/low/absolute 34/normal
... eosinophils 2 percent/normal/absolute 68/normal ... platelet
Chemistry panel:
Everything normal except the liver enzyme SGOT (AST) 42/low ... liver
enzyme SGPT (ALT) 48/low ... albumin 3.5/high ... phosphorus 7.0/high ...
glucose 154/high ... sodium 157/slightly high ... chloride 124/slightly high.
Final note: I have lately noticed some slight thinning of hair in the lower
abdominal area, but it's not real pronounced.
Espie's age: about 1 1/2 years.
If anyone has any insight, I appreciate it. Thank you.
[Posted in FML issue 1044]