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Wed, 16 Aug 1995 08:36:40 EDT
Dana Lane <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
Hi again,
Just thought I'd write in and give an update on Tasha, our ferret with the
ulcer.  Well, after 2 solid weeks of Amoxi, Pepto, and that other thing I
can never remember what it is, she's up and dooking and running around like
a normal fuzzy.  I never thought I'd be happy to see her getting into
trouble and poking her fuzzy little face into places she's not supposed to,
but it's a welcome relief.  Ivan (our depressed male) is also doing much
better now, his playmate is back and playing again.  The strangest thing
happened though, the first couple days Tasha was up and around again, trying
to play with Ivan, he kept running away and hiding.  Do you think he was
afraid of hurting her?  Or was he being childish and showing her how it
felt?  Anwyay, after about 2 days of this, they're wrestling and falling off
the bed just like normal!
I do have a question though.  We found some fleas the other day on both of
them.  We gave Ivan a good flea bath and that seems to have worked fine but
with Tasha's ulcer and everything, I'm afraid to give her one (It's a
kitten safe flea shampoo).  How long should I wait or do ya think it's okay
to do it now?
Dana and Robyn (We're the REAL pets.)
Tasha (I'M BAAAAAAAAAAACK! Play with me.)
Ivan (Shred, shred, shred, Huh? Tasha? COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!)
[Posted in FML issue 1288]