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Wed, 21 Jun 1995 09:31:33 -0400
"Michelle Z. Matta" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (69 lines)
I just wanted to express a quick opinion regarding a point in the HSUS
response letter.
All in all I don't see the letter as being that awful.  They don't seem
to be anti-ferret...just truthful.  Unfortunately, sometimes ignorant
people take the slightest bit of "ify" wording and run with it (and make
stupid laws because of it).
Ferrets take a special kind of person to adopt them.  People that will be
patient and tolerate their style of play and behavior (tearing the place
apart, hiding your shoes, digging in your plants...).  The same can be
said for having a baby.  Not everyone out there is fit to be a parent.
Does this mean that I am anti-reproducing?  No!  I just think that its a
decision that needs to be thought through...as well as pet ownership.
There's too many people today that see something cute in a pet store and
buy it on a whim.  They might not be able to take care of what they
purchased and in the end either the animal will be abused (maybe not even
on purpose) or neglected.  Pet ownership is a big responsibility.  Take
the "biter" that Todd & Andi just adopted.  What if someone else not very
knowledgeable on ferrets bought this one?  It might have a sad ending.
I'm sure it would end up in the press...  "Vicious Ferret attacks
owner..." And what an uproar it would cause!
For example, my cousin and his wife have gone through 3 pets in 2 years.
They get them and then decide they can't handle them and give them away.
These are not the kind of people that would re-arrange their lives for a
ferret....and as we all know, ferrets have a way of reorganizing our
lives.  Their first pet was a dog.  He was big and playful.  They kept
him in a cage while they were gone, and they both worked full time.
After about a year, they got rid of him.  Then they got a hamster.  That
didn't last long and they gave it away.  Then they got a bunny.  The
bunny was always kept in the cage because it wasn't "sociable".  They
finally gave it away.  Then they got another bunny who had a better
personality (cuddly) but always got into trouble outside the cage...
needless to say, she always stays in the cage.  They are the ones who
gave us our last ferret.  They found her and had NO plans of keeping her,
but when they dropped her off at the apartment & took her out of her
"box", they saw how affectionate she was, wanting to curl up in our laps
to sleep.  Immediately, my cousin's wife said "How cute!!  We should have
kept her!  Let's get one!" I said NO WAY!  I knew that they wouldn't have
the time to train her, love her and accept her as a ferret.  They
definately are not the type that would board up their kitchen & bathroom
cabinets as well as the fridge.  Ultimately, the ferret might have more
harm done to it before it would be tossed around to another home.
My parents are another example.  They absolutely LOVE our girls...they
call them their "grandchildren".  But my mother has said that she could
never own one...they're too time consuming because they are non-stop &
require too much energy on our part.
Some people should NOT own ferrets.  There's nothing wrong with that.
People that are truly interested in ferrets will take the time to learn
about them.  Those who are ignorant may always stay ignorant despite the
best efforts to educate them.  The world is full of some very stubborn
I just try to keep a balanced viewpoint.  I'm not supporting any side or
thought.  These comments are not meant to be pushed on anyone.  I might
be the only person that feels that way, and then again, I may not -  but
I'm not looking to debate with any that feel differently - everyone is
entitled to their own thoughts and these happen to be mine.
PS - as far as my girls being vicious....all five ran from a
thousand-legger the other day.  BOLTED FOR COVER!!!  The only thing they
managed to hunt and kill is the dryer hose.
[Posted in FML issue 1232]