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Sun, 28 May 1995 22:13:11 -0400
Pam Grant and STAR* Ferrets <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
to:    James Cristea <>
Subject: Cody Diagnosis-The Bad News!
>>It makes sense now since Cody has been absolutely craving Cheerios and
raisins (good sugar!).  He now gets Karo syrup in his water bottle.<<
    NO!  Not in the water bottle - it will clog the ball actiona dn he will
get NO water!!!   Put Karo and water in a bowl.  Give him Nutrical three
times a day.  Add brewer's Yeast to his dry food.  Try Duck soup (check FAQ
for recipe)
>>Prognosis: Surgery recommended to remove both tumors.  (At a cost of about
     If you are onthe east coast - we can find a vet able to do it for
>>I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has had this surgery and what
the outcome and longevity of the ferret was afterwards.<<
     I have chosen this route several times for my ferrets.  One adoptee
(history unknown) passed away six months after the surgery.  Two of my pets
died a year after surgery (one at 8 years of age, one at 7 years),  and I
still have a little girl going strong at almost eight years of age and she
had the surgery over a year and a half ago.
This might sound strange, but this is my recommendation -
put the ferret on proglycem for the 2-3 months that the bottle will last
(this medication costs close to $100 for one bottle).  Allow the ferret's
system to stabelize.  When the bottle is almost gone - schedule surgery and
have the operation.  The longest I have heard of a ferret surviving after the
surgery was two years (Amy's Ian).  Ferrets will not survive the surgery a
second time, so must be put back on medication or allowed to go to the
rainbow bridge.  I think the regime outlined above has brought me and others
the best amount of time and success.
Pam / STAR*
[Posted in FML issue 1208]