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Sun, 14 May 1995 17:54:22 -0400
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
Have been lurking and enjoying the newsletter lately. Glad to see the funny
stories are coming back by the dozens.
<<Mish & the free-er of the gumballs.........That one was a crack up for
sure! I'm still laughing. Smart little devil, huh?
And someone asked how we decided on the names........
Well.......Stinkey was going to be Snookums but after the first day with
us......she was such a stinker (nothing was sacred) so hence....the name
Stinkey. She doesn't stink (been descented) just acts like it! She gives lots
of kisses but only to me. My husband is only worth biting! If anything is
worth exploring...she's the one to find it!
Brandy got her name cause she's always runnning and for some reason everytime
I drink Brandy and eggnog I am always running too!
She never has enough time to do everything, never gives kisses and hates to
be held for more than 5 seconds!
And Rascal........well cause he's such a pain sometimes too! He's the biggest
thief! Stinkey will find the stuff, Brandy will take 5 seconds to check it
out and then Rascal will steal it! But what a lover boy. He'll take time out
for a kiss and hug anytime you ask for one. It's rare when I get less than 50
kisses per day.
and.....Toy Possessiveness.......they usually share everything equally
except.......Stinkey has a favorite ball. She will fight for it everytime!
Brandy and Rascal have decided that ball is not worth the war so they don't
touch it very often anymore. Stinkey doesn't even try to hide it either. I
think she's daring them, don't you?
And yes...Cherrios are one of their favorites...but they have to be the apple
cinnamon ones or nothing!
Cheers, chuckles and dooks from the crew.............Stinkey (the leader and
chief in charge), Brandy (always running cause there's never enough time),
Rascal (the lover Boy) and their Mama too!
[Posted in FML issue 1194]