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Tue, 25 Apr 1995 14:43:00 -0500
Anthony J Martin <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
Hello Everyone,
        I am experiencing problems simular to one posted here recently.
The terrible twins Alex and Alexis are wonderful, lively creatures but
they don't like to use their litter pan outside of their cage.  Actually
it seems like they change their preferences arbitrarilly.  The spot where
the box is now is where their favorit "spot" used to be.  I have two
boxes in the room where I kerp them and they NEVER use the second.  I
have heard of people using certain unpleasant smelling cleaning chemicals
on these spots but I would rather hear clues from people w/ success
stories than experiment and risk hurting the ferrets.  One interesting
note for all of you.  When I first decided on letting them free-roam the
room they were in I decide to use a child-proof room divider to keep them
in the room while not having to keep the door closed.  I discovered
immediately when Alexis simply wormed her way through one of the
relatively small holes in the gate that maybe this wasn't gonna work.
She was just small enough to get her head and therefore her body through
the gate.  Finally I simply put her collar on her and she became too big
to fit through the gate.  Now everything works just fine.
                                                Anthony Martin
[Posted in FML issue 1176]