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Tue, 28 Mar 1995 09:32:04 -0500
susan brandt <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
In answer to the lifespan question, I've heard 6 to 10 is the average
lifespan.  My Sula is seven.
To Wayne L. Ball:  I have two females and they get along beautifully.  I
brought Krissy home when she was five weeks.  I was worried since Sula
was five.  I had them in separate cages and they were furious.  When I
put them together, Sula dragged Krissy under the blanket as if to say
"bedtime".  They are inseparable and the only problem I have is that they
want equal attention from me.  As far as treats, mine love carrot muffins
(which I don't give them very often).  They absolutely love Linatone,
it's the only way I can get them out from under the bed.  I wave the open
bottle around and their little nose start twitching and they fly over.
My problem is Sula's loss of fur.  She has been losing her fur for two
years, but it has always grown back.  About six months ago she lost all
her fur except for her extremities.  I took her to my vet, who has been
wonderful so far.  He said she was healthy and gave me some pills.  He
said it was common for older ferrets to lose their fur and there was
nothing he can do.  THe pills did nothing and I keep reading about the
adrenal gland problems.  Does anyone know about any vets in my area (I
live in Brampton, Canada, nearToronto).  She is still very lively and
just naps more often.  She was the runt of the litter and is very small
but she still playfights with Krissy and wins regularly (Unless Krissy is
humoring her).
I just joined the group and I would like somebody to explain the ferret
union.  It sounds like fun.
Susan, Krissy, Sula and the three cats, Stinker, Smudge, and Tigger.
[Posted in FML issue 1148]