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Wed, 29 Mar 1995 13:14:21 -0800
Carla Almaraz <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (242 lines)
To Michael Phelps:  Your local humane society putting down that ferret was
tragic. I am glad that you have resolved to working with them to get
ferrets sent to a shelter instead of euthanasia.  The OFA has an excellent
rapport with the Oregon Humane Society.  We put on presentations several
times yearly including one we completed last week.  If having the Portland
Humane Society put in a good word for ferrets would help convince you
local branch, let me know.  Carol, the head of Humane Education, would
probably generate a letter.
To Nancy: Magellan just went through 1 month of treatment for ulcers that
included Pepto-bismol twice daily.  He had no reaction to it - but hated it.
Pepto-bismol was required because it formed a compound with the other
drugs to treat his stomach problem.  (Kaopectate did not have the bismuth
solution in it.)
To Michelle Sabol Jones: Descenting was addressed in the FML as an
emotional issue (mutilation, etc.).  My reason for being opposed to it is
more basic - it's totally unnecessary!  The stink is caused by hormones,
not anal sac excretions.  There are a *few* ferrets that are good
candidates for descenting.  They are ferrets that express themselves
constantly.  If an infection or other curable cause has been ruled out,
then descenting probably is required.  Our shelter has seen 100's and
100's of ferrets.  Only 1 fit in this description.
In my private e-mail to Scott Swain I suggested this experiment:  visit
your local shelter and ask to smell a neutered male, a male not in season,
and a male in breeding condition.  Smell the male in breeding condition
last as it will permanently burn a hole in your nose :-) Just kidding! You
will realize that that stink you are talking about is hormone related and
not related to anal sacs.
And most of all, to Tourie:  I burst out crying when I read your comment
about Gunther!  It touched me soooo much! (It's going to be one of those
weepy afternoons.)  I only hope that right now Gunther is playing with my
other ferrets Jocko (who died at 5 from bladder stones), Bear (who died at
5 during surgery), and Baretta (who died at 13 months from congenital
cardiomyopathy.) My friend Leanne has made a beautiful headstone for
Gunther's grave.
Gunther left behind friends including Tillie, his 7 year old companion,
Magellan, his 5 year old male friend, 8 younger ferret friends, and Z, who
is an occasional visitor to our home and dearly loved Gunther. Thanks
again Tourie for such a touching comment!
        -Carla Almaraz
        Oregon Ferret Association
Date:         Wed, 29 Mar 1995 16:14:29 -0600
From:         ERIKA MATULICH <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Ferret History/Lifespan
Rudy asked for a compilation of ferret history, so here is mine (sorry so
long, but I HAD to say something special about all my ferrets across the
rainbow bridge - I really miss them!)
NAME: Critter            GENDER: Female - Spayed/Descented
COLOR: Sable             BREEDING: ? TX Pet store rescue (no ear)
LIVED: 10/85-10/91 (6 yrs)    WEIGHT: 3-6 lbs.
FOOD: Science Diet       TREATS: Linatone, refused all other
     MEDICAL HISTORY: Always current on rabies/distemper immunizations.
Earmites upon purchase.  Mast cell tumors removed at ages 4, 5, and 6
(different locations).  Sebaceous tumors on tail removed age 5 and 6.
Massive weight gain problems beginning age 4.5.  Splenectomy age 5.5 (spleen
weighed almost 1/2 lb. -- like half a banana) at the University of Wisconsin
Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital.  Despite a restricted diet of Science
Diet Lite and exercise, weighed 6 pounds at death from heart failure.
     PERSONAL ANTICS: Wanted to be an only ferret and barely tolerated all
other household ferret additions. Loved dogs. Would follow me everywhere on
long walks through the park.  Liked to smell flowers.  Racked up over
100,000 miles flying American Airlines until AA would no longer carry those
"dangerous, vicious, disease-spreading, biting, wild animals." (Travelled
in-cabin only).
NAME: Gizmo              GENDER: Female - Spayed/Descented
COLOR: Chocolate Point   BREEDING: ? TX Pet store rescue (runt size)
LIVED: 2/86-7/94 (8 yrs) WEIGHT: 3/4 of a pound (tiny!)
FOOD: Science Diet       TREATS: Linatone, raisins, apples, apricot
                              juice, dates, dried peaches
MEDICAL HISTORY: Always current on rabies/distemper immunizations. Mast cell
tumors removed ages 5, 6, 7 (different locations, but one large recurrent
one on hip).  Right adrenal removed age 6 at the University of Florida
Gainesville VMTH. Doctors noted possibility that left adrenal may also have
tumor.  Complete recovery, and then continued hair loss and fragility during
8th year.  Showed symptoms of old age - completely greyed hair, tooth loss,
stilted gait, hair loss until completely bald except for head, inability to
walk well, loss of bladder control.  Passed away in her sleep.
     PERSONAL ANTICS: Could squeeze UNDER most doors, climbed up all window
screens, dug up every plant in the house and buried her collars in them.
Went through about a dozen collars a year. Insisted on being walked daily
(in rain, snow, and baking heat).  Carried a blue bath sponge around with
her for her whole life (the sponge was bigger than she was!).  Liked to
chase ducks and run up drainpipes.  A ferret PR genius - loved all people
and ran up to see everyone in the park.
NAME: Sweet Pea               GENDER: Female - Spayed/Descented
COLOR: Silver Mitt       BREEDING: Path Valley Farms
LIVED: 3/88-11/93 (6 yrs)     WEIGHT: 2.5 lbs
FOOD: Science Diet       TREATS: Linatone, raisins, apples, apricot
                         juice, insects, house plants
MEDICAL HISTORY: Always current on rabies/distemper immunizations. Rescued
from pet store due to botched anal extrusion of scent glands.  The ferret
screamed in pain non-stop for a week until the constant vet and personal
care resolved the problem.  Never would use a litter box as a result of the
experience.  At six years began having mild seizures. These seemed to be
related to eating cockroaches, which I thought might have been poisoned
(Stupid Me). After a heavy seizure was rushed to vet, diagnosed with
insulinoma, and did not survive the surgery.
     PERSONAL ANTICS: Would stare for hours at bugs on the ceiling/wall,
waiting for them to come down and be eaten. Dug miles of tunnels under the
cement porch. Caught, killed, and plucked my ex-boyfriend's parrot (yuk).
When frightened, would run straight up people's legs and backs and hide on
their neck under their hair. Unzipped everything on principle. Opened
cabinets and tossed out all glasses. Loved all kinds of balls and carried
them around with her everywhere. Once got her head stuck down the garbage
disposal. Very affectionate and showed highly intelligent reasoning ability.
NAME: Bobbin             GENDER: Female - Spayed/Descented
COLOR: Dark eyed white-DEAF   BREEDING: ? TX pet store
LIVED: 6/89-11/94 (6 yrs)     WEIGHT: 2.5 lbs
FOOD: Science Diet       TREATS: Linatone, raisins, apples, apricot
juice, dates, peaches, yogurt, blueberries, bananas, pantyhose toes
     MEDICAL HISTORY: Always current on rabies/distemper immunizations.  In
and out of the animal hospital 6 times over the first three years due to
ingestion of socks, sweat pants drawstrings, dishtowels, staples, christmas
tree tinsel, panythose, and the entire sleeve of a man's dress shirt.  Mast
cell tumors constantly recurring on head and neck, removed throughout her
life. Surgery to remove tumor (about the size of a half dollar) under her
skin in the armpit area at age 4.  Showed increasing signs of hypoglycemia
at age 5, became blind at age 5, suffered massive seizure at age 6, probably
due to chocolate ingestion, lapsed into a coma, and we had her put to sleep.
     PERSONAL ANTICS: Loved to cuddle, but would always bite in greeting.
Wanted to sleep by my feet, but always bit my toes.  Ate EVERYTHING.  Was
once washed in the washing machine. Stole all available silverware,
especially forks. Loved malamute dogs. Killed and ate a snake, tail-first.
Liked to dig in dirt.  Fell in the toilet (keep those lids DOWN!) and
couldn't get out. Stole duck eggs. Ate all pencil erasers in the house.
Insisted that all doors, cabinets, and drawers stay open at all times.
In Memory of Critter, Gizmo, Sweet Pea, and Bobbin.
- Erika (and the new crew - Misty, Sasha, and Lizzie)
Date:         Wed, 29 Mar 1995 16:44:19 -0600
From:         Carol-Anne Smith <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      feeling blind...
Could someone please e-mail me the date of FML that Susan Meyers posted her
opinion that Casper should be returned to his yucky 1st owners?  I didn't
see it in my readings, and when I saw peoples' responses, I searched again,
but to no avail.
Also, on the topic of bedding stuff in the cage... I use this stuff called
"Junglmoss", it's recycled shredded cardboard.  No added chemicals of any
kind.  It was originally designed to use as mulch, but when I saw it I
thought Hodge would like it in his cage.  He does - it's comfortable for
him to walk on, sleep on, dig in, put in his food bowl (don't know why he
likes to do that), and he loves it when i'm dumping more in so that it
rains down on him.  :)
Carol-Anne (maybe I'm just going blind)
Date:         Wed, 29 Mar 1995 16:46:22 -0600
From:         "HENRY CHOSTA @ TX A&M UNIV" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Houston Chronic\le (3/29/95)
I think this is my second post, sorry for lurking, but in today's
Houston Chronicle (March 29, 1995)there was a picture of two
ferrets that were in an elementary class room and that was on the
front page in color. Not bad for the little critters.  That was the
good news, the bad news is that there going to be expelled from the
class.  In the article about the ferrets in the class, it told how
health concerns made the Lamar Consolidated Indep. School Dist. decide
to expel all animals except fish from classrooms.  First sentence "Baby
and Bandit, two friendly ferrets, are being expelled,..." and says about
the other snakes and birds, etc.  That prompted the kids to protest to
keep the animals.  It said they've had the same ferrets for two years.
A girl named Savannah Pustejovsky, 9, said about the two ferrets that are
in her class, "'We really enjoy them.  They calm us all the time.'"
Another child said he would feel bad if they were kicked out.  It said
how the kid's are "heartbroken" and the pets were brought home by the
students for weekends.  An the final quote that I'll take from the article
is made by 10 year old David Gilmore, "'I usually look forward to school
to come see the animals.  If people are mean to you, the ferrets are
always there for you.'"  That's all for the most part.  After reading
what those children had to say, I really find it hard to believe what
vicious, terrible...[fill in the blank]......creatures they are.
Date:         Wed, 29 Mar 1995 18:00:06 EST
From:         Cindy Aleszczyk <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      various things
Hi all.  I'm just catching up on the last two weeks worth of issues, bc I
had sinus surgery last week.  Boy, is it easy to get behind!
I still have a few issues to go thru, but wanted to comment on a couple of
things I saw.
To Kevin & Spunky:  ferrets are legal in Balt. and the entire state of Maryland
To Bill re:  descenting
I have to disagree here.  I waited until my two were 6 mos old to neuter and
descent and it was no picnic.  My little girl is quite feisty and if you
pissed her off by correcting her when she wanted to get into trouble, she'd
spray you!  The room would stink for a couple of hours even with the ceiling
fan going and a scented candle burning.  My two are a year old now and I'm
happy that I had them descented when they were neutered.  It was worth the
$75 apiece.
To Vickie and Felicia:  look up the ferret faq on insulinoma.
On another note, I was quite excited when I read about the Bumble ball a couple
of weeks ago and promptly ran to Toys r Us to purchase one for my munchkins.
After spending $18 (including batteries) and rushing home, the ferrets ran
away from it and hid under the couch just watching until I turned it off.  Then,
they came over, sniffed it and immediately proceded to play in the bag in which
it came!!!  Kids, they're so frustrating sometimes!!!
Pippin celebrated her 1 year birthday yesterday and Beren will be 1 on April
9th We're going to have a little celebration this weekend with their favorite
snacks and a long walk if the weather is nice.
I too was touched by the story about Toons.  Sorry for your loss.
Take care all!  Happy ferreting!
  Beren and Pippin too, of course!
[Posted in FML issue 1149]