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Tue, 22 Aug 1995 23:47:55 -0700
Dennis Gentry <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
Dear FML'ers,
Could you please take a moment to email me the name, city, and state of
pet stores near you that sell ferrets, and, in the unlikely event that
they defang (grind down the teeth), that information too?
Jennifer Klefenz (and I, among others) are upset that Pet World in Moncton,
New Brunswick, Canada, continues to have its kits defanged.  I have written
a letter that I am going to send to the owner, in which I claim that I know
of no other pet store that does this, and I'd like this to be a broad
search.  Surely if hundreds of other pet stores can stay in business
without defanging, Moncton Pet World can too.
Also, if anyone would be willing to join me in an Amnesty International-
style letter writing effort, I'd be happy to coordinate it.  Jennifer has
already given the address of the pet store, and I've asked her for the
name and address of the local newspaper as well.  (All I could find on the
Web was a bunch of University and Real Estate pages for Moncton.) The hope
is that a small barrage of polite but firm letters, and maybe some
publicity will convince the pet store owner that people are watching what
he does and that we disapprove of his cruelty.
[Posted in FML issue 1294]