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Fri, 18 Aug 1995 11:40:59 -0400
text/plain (31 lines)
We recently (3 weeks ago) added two new ferrets to our existing two. The
new ones (Chanel[Female] and Panda-Bear[Female]) get along fine, although
they were not raised together. They have been in the same cage together at
a wildlife rehab hospital for the past 4 to 6 months. Our first two ferrets
(Bandit[Male] and Coco[Female])were raised together from infancy, and have
definitely established an alpha and beta ferret relationship. Coco is the
queen ferret in that pair. When we first put the four of them together, it
seemed like Coco was going to retain her crown. She went around and beat up
all the other ferrets and we figured all was cool. After a day or two,
Chanel started beating on all three of the other ferrets. She seems to
focus mostly on Coco, and will chase her all around the house. We have
tried scruffing her, putting her in time out and just holding her, but
whenever the four of them get together, someone is beating up or chasing
somebody else. The current status is: Chanel beats up Coco and Bandit. Coco
beats up Panda-Bear. Bandit and Panda-Bear get along grudgingly. Poor
Bandit and Panda-Bear don't get to beat up anybody :( For now, they stay in
seperate cages (Bandit & Coco and Chanel & Panda-Bear) except when
supervised. We are looking for suggestions on how to get them in a single
room without any bloodbaths. Their winter quarters (when we aren't home) is
an oversized closet, and we would like to not have two "ferret rooms."
Thanks in advance for any information. [BIG, is there any way for people to
email me replies when I post anonymously?]
[Moderator's note: No, though if I remember who posted a particular anon
posting I'll forward mail if it's sent to me.  BIG]
-Peter & Karen
-The fearless fighting foursome
-3 very confused cats, "Quick, get rid of them before they multiply again!"
[Posted in FML issue 1292]