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Fri, 28 Apr 1995 20:31:16 -0400
Dick Bossart <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
NH has a similar unwritten policy that any ferret that bites a human will be
euthanized, regardless of vaccination status.  We've been working on a Bill
to get vaccinated ferrets a quarantine period.  We've passed the State House
and right now in Senate committee.  The committee will vote on the Bill next
Wednesday (HB-573) and if it makes it, it will go to the full Senate the
following day.
We're hopefull at this point.  It looks (dispite heavy lobying by Public
Health) that it will clear the Senate Committee.  If we don't come out with a
minority report, it should clear the Senate.  Then it will be time to ask all
of the Vets out there in FML-land to please help us with the Governor.  Both
Public Health and the State Vet oppose a quarantine, and do work in the
Executive Branch for the Governor and therefore will have his ear.  We will
need all of the vets with ferret experience to write or FAX using their
letterhead, to counter these people.  I'll let everyone know how it goes.
If anyone out there is *seriously* interested in fighting the fight in their
state, please email me.  I'll send out summaries of the presentations that we
made (minus copies of the referenced material - sorry I just can't afford to
copy all of that material, its hundreds of pages) which give all of the
references.  I can tell you too, how we managed to get as far as we have.  It
may give you some ideas on how you might want to proceed.  The main
ingredient is lots and lots of work and pre-planning.  If you don't do it,
however, Public Health will kill and continue to kill your housebound,
vaccinated ferrets with no quams.
REMEMBER that under the Constitution, they can not take your ferret
(providing it is not a FFZ) without a court order.  They can not kill it
without a court order.  If they do get the orders they do have to reimburse
you for the fair-market value of the ferret. ( I know.  How do you put a
value on a beloved ferret?)  But if they force you into it, make it as
expensive for them as you possibly can.)
Dick B.
[Posted in FML issue 1179]