Hey everybody! This isn't actually Ross, it's Norma-ann. i had to sign off the
FML a couple of months ago because i left Oakville (where my school & account
are) to come to Kingston (where my co-op and boyfriend are), but Ross is
letting me use %his% computer to say "hi" to you all, again. It is so nice to
be back in the flock!
i have pretty much kept up with all the issues as Ross has been, kindly,
downloading them to me. i am sorry to hear things have not gotten any better
for the McDowell's (only worse)...i plan to call those numbers; i just hope i
can get through from up here in Canada. i was also wondering if we, as
Canadians, can do anything to help those of you who are in FFZ's? It makes me
so angry everytime i read something about some ignorant politician(s) who
asserts that ferrets are wild animals when they, quite simply, are not. They
do not live in the wild, they were domesticated 500 years before the house cat,
they are trainable and lovable, and they...well, YOU all know this -- it is
just so frustrating. i am so grateful our little Molly and Gerty and Becky are
welcome here.
Anyway, the other reason i am writing is to ask for info. on starting a ferret
club. i would really LOVE to do so, and i have access to lots of great comp.
equipment (at this new place in Kingston that lets you use all their stuff for
a fee). Ross is willing to help me organize everything, but i just don't know
where to even start.
Do you have to be rich to put out a newsletter, or can you get a grant from the
gov't as a Club? How do you let people know about your club? Do you have to
register somewhere?
As you can see, i just have NO idea how one goes about doing this! But, i have
a jounalism/art/photography background and a GREAT love for ferrets, so any
info. would be greatly appreciated. i know there are a couple of clubs in
Ottawa (and i think that is it for the whole country), so if you --Ottawa club
leader-person--are on the FML, i would REALLY like to hear from you, in
[Posted in FML issue 0785]