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Print Reply
Fri, 8 Sep 1995 12:46:51 -0500
Ed Bailey <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (85 lines)
[Moderator's note:  This has been coming up periodically for years. At
times it has been the subject of considerable debate on this list, but
I think those were due to misunderstandings about this.  I'll note here
then that the FML will remain as is whether or not this vote passes.
You can continue to subscribe to the FML and the FML will continue to
be moderated and not be "shadowed" onto the newsgroup.
I don't have much of an opinion about this by the way - I don't think
there's anything wrong with starting an official ferret usenet group
since more info about these fuzzy critters tends to help rather than
hurt.  And since the FML will remain in either event, I don't think
there would be much impact even if it passed.  BIG]
                SECOND AND FINAL CALL FOR VOTES (2nd of 2)
Unmoderated rec.pets.ferrets
Newsgroups line:
rec.pets.ferrets   Any and all subjects relating to ferrets as pets.
Votes must be recieved by 23:59 UTC, 11 September 1995.
This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party.  Voting questions
should be directed to Ed Bailey <[log in to unmask]>.  For questions
about the proposed group, contact Kathryn A. Smith <[log in to unmask]>.
This CFV will be reposted to the following mailing lists:
         [log in to unmask]
  The proposed unmoderated newsgroup rec.pets.ferrets
  will be open to discussion on topics that involving the
  care and ownership of ferrets kept as pets.
  Allowed topics (not limited to these)
     Equipment and supplies
     Health/Veterinary Care/Medical Problems
     Exhibit/Show Announcements/Rules
     Clubs and Organizations
     Books and Magazines
     Federal & State Laws on Ownership
  Inappropriate Topics:
     Discussion of Wild Ferrets
     Animal Rights (see talk.politics.animals)
     Hunting (see rec.hunting)
You must send MAIL to [log in to unmask]  (Posting in a newsgroup
does not constitute a vote.)  Just replying to this article should work
unless you are reading it on a mailing list, but please check the TO address.
Please remove text before the marker line below.  Voting mail is archived
by the votetakers, and hundreds of copies of the entire CFV wastes space.
Type your vote of YES or NO for each group on the line for that group.
If you do not wish to vote for a group, simply leave that line alone.
You need not worry about quoting characters which your mailer inserts.
Please type YES or NO, not Y, N, or X.  The votes are tabulated by a
program, and a valid vote is defined as the word YES or NO on the same
line as the name of the group.
You may also ABSTAIN in place of YES/NO - this will not affect the outcome.
Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program.  The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try again.
It is your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.
-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
rec.pets.ferrets Ballot    <RPF-0001> (Don't remove this marker)
Give your real name here:
[Posted in FML issue 1311]