Excerpts from mail FML 1232
> breed your own, I haven't downloaded the ferret FAQ yet so I don't know the
> the situation on ferret breeding in the states or the rest of the world,here
> in England ferrets normaly retail for between 2 to 10 about $4 to $13.
Wow! Is that right??? That's about what we pay for a *hamster*! It's
obvious ferrets have a different place in life in England than they do
here ... it would be fascinating to just follow someone around for a day
or two. :) If I ever get to England, I'll let you know. :) (I can just
see it now ... my husband will say: "You want to go to England so you
can follow someone around who feeds milk to their ferrets on their
knuckles?" <giggle>) It sounds like you're used to dealing with *much*
nippier critters than I am!
who can't picture her fuzzie doing anything more useful than making her laugh
[Posted in FML issue 1233]