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Tue, 13 Jun 1995 08:29:00 -0400
"Michelle Z. Matta" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
We have 5 ferrets.  Our last one has been our most vocal.  As a matter
of fact, it sounds as if she is being beat or something when she plays
with us or the other ferrets.  Our other 4 make noises when playing, but
nothing like the sounds our 5th one, Shadow, makes.  VERY LOUD!  But as
for screaming, I just recently discovered our most SHY and QUIET ferret,
Ayla, has the capability to let out a full scream that stopped me dead
in my tracks!  It was about 7am and I was in the bedroom TRYING to sleep
when I heard someone digging at the couch.  I had a few in the bedroom
with me, so I got out of the bed, without turning on any lights, I
walked out to the living room to see who was digging and noticed a
little lump on the couch between the afghan & the back cushion.  We
throw an afghan over the back of the couch and she apparantly was trying
to squeeze her way down under the cushion via this new passage!  Well,
she must have heard footsteps, and from total fear of the unknown, she
also knows that digging at the couch is a no-no.  Even if I don't sneak
up on her, she bolts if she sees me coming while she's digging.  Well, I
think the fear of the unknown overpowered the fear of doing something
wrong because she couldn't drag herself out from inside that afghan fast
enough and just as she reached the edge of the couch where the afghan
stopped she let out this scream that sounded almost human and lept to
the ground, konking her head on the endtable in the process!  I just
stood there bug-eyed not knowing whether I should laugh or go look for
her to see if she was ok.  After a second, she came peeking around the
corner to see it was only me and proceeded to hunt and kill my foot.
That's the only time I heard a scream - but its a sound I'll never
[Posted in FML issue 1225]