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Thu, 4 May 1995 06:48:05 -0500
Debbie Riccio <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
I absolutely could not get thru Gary Holowicki's post this AM on
Hershey and Squeeky without breaking down in a pool of tears.....
It brought back memories of my little Molly.....the summer of 93 I took
my guys to a ferret show and they got the greenies.  It was horrible.
Molly was my first rescue - she was only 4 years old and a very small
ferret - she weighed 1/2 lb.  Needless to say, when you are that small,
you don't have a lot of excess weight to lose.  The greenies wiped her
out.  She was skin and bones.  I was hand feeding her but she was so
One night, her breathing was so labored it woke me up.  I brought her in
bed with me, I held her and we talked our last talk....I told her it was
ok, that she didn't have to try anymore, it was too hard and I understood.
She very quietly just stopped breathing and crossed over Rainbow Bridge..
Ann Davis told me that many times they hang on for us.....we just have to
tell them it's ok for them to go.......Ann is right.....she just needed my
permission.....my only comfort thru this was that she died in my arms.  I
will never forget that....it was so much better than having her die alone
in an animal hospital or by euthanasia.
I still miss my little Molly sunshine.....I haven't been to a show since.
Until there is a vaccine for the greenies, my guys are off the circuit.  I
still blame myself - Molly came along for the ride....she wasn't entered
in the show - I just didn't want to board her at an animal hospital - it
would have been safer for her if I had.  In fact, Molly NEVER left the
hotel room - I brought the greenies into my room from handling an affected
ferret (although I didn't realize it until after).  I washed my hands
before handling my own ferrets, but I didn't change my clothes, and that
was my mistake.
Anyway, I agree with Gary - sometimes you have to be strong and tell them
it's ok - they tried their best and now it's time to go.....but hopefully,
we will all be reunited some day......I just have to believe that little
ferrets (and all other animals) go to heaven too.
Debbie Riccio
Rochester, NY
[Posted in FML issue 1185]