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Sun, 26 Mar 1995 20:57:12 -0700
"Dr. Dean Backhaus" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
Hello all ferret lovers!
We have a silver baby about 12 wks old.  We have one problem with this cute
little thing.  He bites and he bites hard.  He even sometimes draws blood.
We are about at our wits end.  What can we do about this ferret.  We cannot
get dressed with out this creature attacking our feet, hands, nose, or any
other part of our body he manages to get a hold of.  When he acts like this,
he is dancing and "dooking."  We truely do not believe that he means any harm.
We have three dogs and a cat as well.  The dogs ignore the ferrets but this
only promtps Giz to jump up and bite them.  He will, however, play with the
one dog who is not afraid of him.
We have tried putting him back in the ferret mansion which is were the food
and water is kept and where they sleep at night. (We have three other
ferrets.)  We have tried telling him "NO!!!" loudly, flicking his nose, and
swatting his posterior( of course being gentle).
When we put all of our ferrets to bed for the night, Giz just constatly
attacks the other ferrets, concentrating mainly on picking on our blind
ferret.  This goes on all night, and if he gets tired of this, he digs all
of the food out of the food dish.
It truely just looks like he just playing but is very rude with no manners..
Our other three ferrets are very sweet and have not displayed this kind of
behavior.  Is there something that we can do to "sweeten" this ferret up?
Is there something we are doing wrong?
Please give us any suggestions that you may have.
                                     Thanks so much,
[Posted in FML issue 1146]