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Wed, 5 Oct 1994 17:25:18 -0600
John Rosloot <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (65 lines)
>From: "Michelle Z. Matta" <[log in to unmask]>
>  I remember somewhere someone suggesting a baby gate to block
>off a room but as I'm sitting here looking at it, I'm wondering how smart
>of an investment this was.  The holes are plastic and are about an inch
>apart - relatively small so I know they won't sneak thru, but what's
>going to stop them from CLIMBING this thing?  Do any of you use a baby
>gate and if so, any comments?  Any suggestions on what I can possibly
>cover this thing with so they can't climb it?
I use a baby gate to keep the fuzzies in the livingroom when I bring them
in there, with a piece of cardboard tied to the ferret side with twist ties
(poked through the cardboard) so they can't climb it. I thought that would
be sufficient, since mine aren't great jumpers, but one day Cassie got over
somehow. I later discovered she did it by persistently jumping for the top
until she could snag one or two claws on the top edge of the cardboard and
pull herself over. After this I added another piece of cardboard curving
over the top so there's no edge for her to snag. Since then (over a year
ago) none of the fuzzies have been able to beat it (except the time Cassie
found she could jump from the arm of the loveseat to the partition and, if
she didn't slip off, pull herself over. Had to move the loveseat for that).
>From: [log in to unmask] (kristen herzog)
>concerning Roo (f, approx. 4 months) and Nesta (m, approx. 3months).
>They live together, are caged together, and snuggle together quite
>often - in other words, they get along fine.  Nesta, however, gets in
>these moods where he will pick on Roo.  If they're not caged, she's
>quick and small enough to spirit away.  But at night, in teh cage, he
>pinns her and bites her throat, face, ears, belly, and whatever else
>he can get ahold of.  I wouldn't be worried if not for the fact that
>Nesta is RAPIDLY growing and poor Roo is teenie tiny at 1.2 pounds and
>steady.  She'll hiss, sreach occasionally, and sometimes "play dead",
>lying still until he lets go......
I have the same problem with my new guy, Sammy (male, coming up on 5 months
old, approaching 4 pounds) regarding Cassie (female, 2 years old, just under
2 pounds). I don't cage them together, but Sammy still pins Cassie sometimes
and chews on her, while she squeals and chatters unhappily. It's getting
better *very* slowly (I've had Sammy for 3 months). Sammy is rough with
Cassie less often, and Cassie is less intimidated by him. Half the time now
when I pull them apart she runs back after him, though the other half she
seems *immensely* grateful to be rescued. I used to cage Sammy while I'm
at work and overnight to protect Cassie, but lately I've been leaving them
all together overnight and leaving my door open so if Cassie's in trouble
I'll hear and wake up. So far maybe 1/2 to 2/3 of the nights are peaceful.
The other nights I'll either cage Sammy when he's bad or take Cassie into
the bedroom with me overnight. All I can do I guess is hope things continue
to improve, as I hope things do for you.
By the way, Sammy also is rough with Bud sometimes (male, about 3.5 years
old, 2.25 pounds), but I'm not worried about Bud because although he's usually
mellow, and is gentle with Cassie, he can certainly give Sammy what-for when
he gets fed up with him (not that that slows Sammy down; this is all play to
In my 2.5 years of owning ferrets, I've never known any of them to have
a cold. Are colds uncommon for them, or have mine been lucky, or am I just
not noticing when they're sick? I hate to think I'm being a bad daddy.
John, Buddy, Cassidy, and Sammy
[Posted in FML issue 0974]