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Sat, 11 Feb 1995 14:27:59 EST
Steve & Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (112 lines)
Re:  Ferrets in N.J. :  Fish and Game is just fine, in fact,
Paul Kalka is a doll about ferrets; they just are severely
understaffed.  Except when the Post Office lost a check
for us we always eventually got our paper work.  The
other question was about contacts.  Call Peter Koch.  He
breeds, organizes, builds wonderous cages (though I
wish he would put on casters), helps shelters, etc.
You can reach him at 1-609-586-9526.
I'm glad to see Bruce and Tigger okay again.  Bruce,
that outburst really was not in character for Tigger.  I
can understand how it happened; Steve and I both
go into anaphalexic rx with food items (Don't ask me the
odds; even having a couple made of folks with true food
allergies is something like 1 in 250.) and our parental
units both over-react by FORGETTING what we can't
eat.  Can you do the anakit/e-room scramble?  It's the
latest dance.  Tigger, as you probably know, the rubella
shots are given primarily to reduce accidental exposure
of a fetus.  As I recall you are around our age so must
have had friends with polio and well know that shot
risk can at times be justified, especially in cases where
the rx probability rate is low.  Both Meltie and Ruff
react but it is not extreme and is controlled well by
pre-innoculation meds.
We are excited by Modern Ferret!  When you have a
writers' kit could you send one?  Snail-mail all Crandalls
at 172 Jamestown, Bsaking Ridge, N.J. 07920.
[Editor's note: that should be Basking Ridge  BIG]
Bruce,  I'm afraid you'll be getting some snippets of
Meltdown.  She is still extremely active, with normal
 thirst and behavior, but this year's annual hair loss
(which she has always had for her tail) has extended
to -- and is limited to -- the sacrum as well, and for a
week and a half now she has had mild vulval swelling
with discharge which is unresponsive to antibiotics.
Her skin has also just becoming thinner.  Nodes are fine.
Given her age of six and a half we probably would have
seen a uterine stump or ovarian trace earlier so it's
likely adrenal.  Given its size, the spleen may go, too,
just as a safety precaution against hemmorage; like in
many ferrets it has been up for years.  She's been on
beasty-yeasty (Schiff Brewers powder in water as a
well loved treat) for years.  Hjalmar had no insulinomas
at around 8 in autopsy; we hope she'll be as well in
Wednesday's surgery.
Every ferret we have ever had has LOVED plucked
music and singing.  (Being so inclined Caven may
want to sing them ditties WITH THEIR OWN
NAMES IN THEM to win their hearts forever and
always.)  We can consistently calms our's that way.
Troy Lynn, unless Bruce, Charlie, or another well
trusted expert says to not worry I'd get the fruity-
sweet ferret to the vet.  My mom's lung cancer
first smelled sweet (and then like sweet rot, to just
rot), and I knew someone with diabetes who had a
different sweet smell.  This puzzle interests.  B? C?
(BTW, T-L, We never DID get the rabies pack; was
it lost in the mail, or was there just a goof?  If lost
in the mail we will pay again so that the charity does
not absorb the cost.)
Like the variety, Van Turkish cats, Blaze ferrets do
seem to often have partial hearing impairment to
deafness.  There is a condition which is widely spread
through Mammalia called Waardenburg's Syndrome,
in which there is a white head blaze, less eye pigment,
widely spaced eyes which are pinched in the inner
corners, and a few other features which may or may
not be present.  (It accounts for about 3 percent of
congenital deafness in humans.)  Our Chops sure
fits the description and she has trouble with high
pitched sounds.  Breeders often accidently or
(rarely, I hope) purposely use genetic problems
to get a new look.  When there's a difference with
no difficulties associated it is no big deal, but ferrets
just don't learn ASL like humans do and a training
limitation can cause problems for a ferret, and
individuals like Ruffle and dachunds often have
to live with painful and easily injured backs and
limbs because someone wanted a look with a short
face, luxuriant coat, or tiny limbs so bred for
achondroplasic dwarfism.  I think breeders should
try to read up on common genetic traits a bit more.
Gee, Dave Barry was actually right about the phylum.
My guess is he never had to learn:  Keep picking
cucumbers or Father gets sore (Kingdom, phylum,
class, order, family, genus, species).
Edward, ferrets will also sometimes get into
marking wars, and sneezing forces more musk
from glands which are near the ears.  Do they
afterward rub head on you or another treasure?
Morris Animal Foundation is:  45 Inverness Dr. E.,
Englewood, CO 80112-5480.  You may specify ferret
studies, or even some sub-groups such as ferret
rabies shedding studies or ferret cancer research.
We just sent out $250, but even a few bucks adds
up and really helps ferrets (as well as weakening
the opposition).  Send what you can, when you can.
It's a gift to all current and future ferrets.
        Sukie, Steve, Meltdown, Ruffle,
        'Chopper, Spot, Meeteetse, and Warp
[Posted in FML issue 1103]