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Wed, 5 Apr 1995 09:57:02 -0400
Judi Lunn <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (49 lines)
Hi ferret people, I was just wondering if anyone had any thoughts yet
regarding fat free Fig Newtons for my guys?  They despise all other treats,
and I've tried them all, including raisins, all fruit and veggies, etc.  One
of my ferret books early on had recommended small pieces of strawberry
licorice (this is fat free as well), and they have that as a treat too.  They
are thriving, and I just wondered if one of the doctors had any thoughts.  I
wouldn't want to do a speck of harm to my loves.
To Dale Miller: I am quite new to the FML, and I have found it to be a total
blessing.  I don't know what it used to be like, but I can say the following:
Yes, the technical and medical advice is outstanding, and very important.  But
then I'll read about a sick little baby, or one who has died, and my heart
will break for the owner.  A page or two later I'll read a funny story, which
will lift my spirits back again, and hopefully also lift the spirits of anyone
going through a hard time.  I think the stories are fantastic, and I love
sharing info with other ferret fanatics.  It is also a great place to make
contacts with people from your area, etc., which I have also done.  I hope
that the FML stays as is, because when the time comes for me to share a sad
story and need support on the loss of one of my five, I love knowing that all
of you are out there thinking about me, just as I think about you when you're
going through the pain of such a loss.  My hope is that BIG keeps things as
is, and while I'm at it, thank you Bill, for doing such a fantastic job.  We
all appreciate it.
When I mentioned my couch situation yesterday, it is only because of the
large gaping holes that I feel comfortable allowing the fuzzies to play/nap
in the couch, as I know they always have a way out without coming to any
harm.  If I had a new couch and they had to slither beneath it, I'd keep them
away from it.  Just wanted to clear that up.
Scott:  I'm so happy you have a new best friend.  All I can say is, I would
not (milk jug of ice or not) consider leaving my guys in the car, especially
after reading your sad story.  Please reconsider about leaving them in the
car with the windows open as well.  There are some terrible people out there,
and you may find Wompa missing when you get back to the car.  I have to agree
with Debbie  that if you are going somewhere that you cannot take Wompa,
PLEASE leave him at home, where you know he'll be safe.  I live in an area
that gets very populated in the summer, and golden retrievers have been known
to disappear from cars with open windows.  Think how much easier it would be
to remove a quiet, tiny ferret.  Please be careful.
As for this union, I have four that want to run for office and one (my music
box king) working on a theme song.  Mine can't think of anything to add,
since they get their way constantly right now.  If they come up with
something, they will advise.
Sorry to take up so much space, Judi, Riley, Murphy, Casey, Bailey and Taz.
[Posted in FML issue 1156]