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"The Ferret Mailing List (FML)" <[log in to unmask]>
Brad Laraway <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 6 Jun 1994 13:16:08 -0400
"The Ferret Mailing List (FML)" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (101 lines)
> From: Chris VonSeggern <[log in to unmask]>
> Date:   Sun, 5 Jun 1994 16:41:54 -0400
> Urban's comments about banning pet stores from selling ferrets in his home
> country raises some interesting thoughts in my own head.
> Anyway, all this makes me wonder if banning pet stores from selling
> ferrets might be a good idea.  Not because of any characteristic of the
> ferret, besides the need to spend a lot of time and effort caring for
> them, but because pet stores will sell to anyone and often can't support
> the animal properly.
> I guess my point is that I see no reason to buy ferrets from a pet store,
> and every reason to buy from a breeder if there is one in your area.  I
> think stopping pet stores from selling ferrets might be a good step
> forward for ferrets and for their owners.
> Chris and
> Scooter the Weasel Without a Cause
        I agree for the most part on your post.  Unfortunately we can't
even get cats and dogs out of pet stores let alone ferrets.  I perchased
both my ferrets from the same store. M.F. ferrets.  I didn't know of
any breeders in the area at the time.  These people a great with animals.
Their store is the cleanest and best maintained store in the area.  They
even have a large three story cage where they keep their own ferret.
These people hand out more information than your usual store. They also
agree to take back ferrets if unwanted.  They just added a secound
ferret to their collection of store owned pets.  This little guy is
cronic biter and they didn't want to sell him for that reason.
        Unfortunately stores like this are few and far between.
> From: [log in to unmask] (Robert Boulis)
> Date:   Fri, 3 Jun 1994 09:04:24 -0400
> Subject: A prayer for felix (long)
> Submitted-Date: Fri Jun  3 17:37:04 EDT 1994
> Sincerely, Linda Boulis
Great prayer Linda.  I hope I never have to use it, or one similar.
Althouhg there are only two constants in life.
        DEATH AND TAXES. :(
> From: <anonymous>
> Date:   Thu, 2 Jun 1994 04:31:35 -0400
> Well, after almost a whole year of reading, asking, and learning about
> ferrets, I went out and bought one.
> ever seen!  Anyway, here's my question:  Nietzsche is 9 weeks old.  How
> old is that?  Is he a baby, toddler, kid, what?  When will he reach his
> full weight?  Can I start training him now?  (Obviously I'm training him
> not to bite [which he only does when he's REALLY excited, anyway] but how
> about training him to stay on my shoulder?  Is he too young?)  What are
> some things you can train ferrets to do?  Do they come when called?  Do
> they know their names?
        First of all I'm glad to hear you didn't just go out and buy one
on a whim and then oh S*&% what do I do next.
        He's just a baby.  He should reach full size in around six to eight
months. After a year you may see alittle drop in weight an ounce or two.
I think this is when they loose all thier baby fat and trim down to a lean
mean sock stealing machine.  Start training young, the longer you wait the
harder it gets.  I've been trying from day one to keep them on my shoulder.
They do this quite well, until I go outside and then forget it.  Some day.
Mine know their names and come when called.  Unless they're having fun
some where/anywhere/with anything/ect.....  :)
        To all who have lost a friend lately.  My heart and thoughts go
out to you.  Seems like I've been getting more teary eyed than laughing
reading the FML lately.  Hopefully there's alittle light at the end of
the rainbow.  Best wishes to all.
        I did get a big smile out of the ferret pacemaker story. I've
talked to the people at West End Animal Hospital.  They realy know
what they'er doing.  I believe Dr Kemmerer talked our vet threw a
very difficult adrenal case.  The adrenal ended up being inoperable, but
the ferret  "Bambi" is still with us and is doing very well.  She was
diagnosed almost a year and a half ago.  She's also one of the sweetest
ferrets I've ever come across.  Even sweeter than my own.
        Brevard Ferret Lovers and Rescue has around 15 adoptable ferrets
at this time.  If anyone is interested please Email me and I'll will
supply you with any information you need.  We also have a program called
adopt an unadoptible ferret.  You get pictures and letters from them on
special occasions.  This is a good idea for any of you shelter owners out
        Brad, Sebstain, and Mako.
        Brevard Ferret Lovers and Rescue
        Palm Bay, Florida
        P.S. Have a good week and take care.
[Posted in FML issue 0852]