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Tue, 21 Mar 1995 06:43:22 PST
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Re: Kevin and Casper
Sounds like the folks that gave you Casper are confused. They think animals and
sweaters belong in the same catagory. If you don't like one you have, get rid
of it. If you "loan" one to somebody, you can ask for it back. Sorry....
it doesn't work that way. Pets become part of the family and it sounds like
both you (and your family) and Casper have adopted one another. It also sounds
as if Casper has found a loving, caring home where  he is happy. I would hate
to see him to return to people who's whims may change again and who knows what
will happen then? Would they give him away again or just ignore him?
I am always disappointed by people who take no time to find out about an animal
or are unwilling to put up with an animal because it is what it is. Dogs bark.
Don't get a dog if you can't stand dogs barking. Cats scratch. If you don't
want scratches on your furniture, don't get a cat. (I think declawing is mean.)
All animals, including us, have some sort of scent. If they disliked the ferret
scent, why did they get one to begin with? Or why did they not persue the
descenting? That issue reminds me of a children's book...._Horton Hatches an
Egg_ by Dr. Seuss. Perhaps they should read it.
If I were you, they would have to fight me to get Casper back. Do what your
heart tells you is the right thing to do for you and Casper. If you follow your
heart, you can't go wrong.
-kim, mike, Squirt, "Bond. Squirt Bond.    (Agent .007, license to dook)"
and Pippi, "SOS - Save Our Socks!"
ps...on butter and pineapple for a treat....we stay away from dairy products as
treats since we had read that ferrets have a problem with digesting milk
(cow's) products. Pineapple would be fine occasionally in small amounts. I
think Squirt and Pippi have tried pineapple before. I can't remember if they
did or didn't like it. Melon is their *absolute* favorite! Any melon
really....but they like the orange-fleshed cantaloupes the best! :)
Kimberly Burkard        |              _    Everything I needed to know in life
Xerox, Rochester, NY    |       _____C .._. I learned from my ferret:
[log in to unmask] |  ____/     \___/  Dance for joy often. Play often.
[log in to unmask] <____/\_---\_\    Be determined in your ventures.
[Posted in FML issue 1141]