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Sun, 27 Nov 1994 23:18:00 -0500
Russ Hazzon <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (48 lines)
For those of you that have not had the misfortune of reading my messages
on CompuServe over the past week - The Green Diarrhea is here!  I have
two ferrets about one year old - a male named Scooter and a female named
Zuki.  I just brought a kit home two weeks ago - a male named Bandit.
About ten days ago I decided to mix some new ferret food a picked up at
with some of the old food they have been eating.  I noticed the food
being tossed around the cage for a few days and then it appeared - loose
stool all over the place.  Over the next 2 days the stool became very
mucousey and had a bright lime green color.  I finally tracked it down
to Scooter.  He became rather lethargic and refused to eat or drink.
Zuki started slowing down also and her stool became very loose, but
never turned green.  I honestly thought it was the food that was
disagreeing with them, but called the vet anyway.  He thought it might
be the change in diet, but advised me to bring them in if it didn't
change in a couple of days.
A couple days went by and nothing changed.  Scooter went to the vet and
was found to be severely dehydrated.  He was given subcutaneous fluids
and was placed on antibiotics (Amoxy) along with a pill to firm up his
stool.  I was told to put Zuki on the Amoxy also.  The vet said not to
give anything to the kit as long as there weren't any problems. (Bandit
is just fine - actually eats more, drinks more, and plays harder than
ever!).  Both Scooter and Zuki are also getting one tablespoon
of Pediolyte three times a day to replenish their fluids and
electrolytes. (They liked the stuff at first, but fight with me tooth
and nail everytime I try to give them the stuff now).
The vet believed Scooter (and possibly Zuki) was suffering from some
type of bacterial infection.  He wasn't certain, but wanted to
administer the Amoxy for ten days to see how things went.  I gave the
vet a copy of the Green Diarrhea FAQ written by Pam and Dr Williams.  He
was most appreciative and thought that all the clinical signs pointed to
this epidemic.  I also gave him Dr Williams phone number in hope that he
just might call for further information.
Does anyone have any suggestiions or advice?  I am absolutely terrified
for my three fuzzies and can't imagine anything happening to them or
worse yet... losing one of them.
Dr. Williams??  Anyone else???  Please help us out if you can...
Thank you all and let us pray for health to return to these wonderful
little creatures.
[Posted in FML issue 1027]