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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 9505 20875 27 22_Insulinoma Surgery X 213_Debbie [log in to unmask], 29 May 1995 07:06:36 -0500555_- Pam,
I think I have to disagree with you (a first!) on your statement that
ferrets won't survive a second insulinoma surgery. Dr. Judi Bell has
told me of a chen I picked the ferrets up, the little girl of
the family was there and really upset that the ferrets were leaving.
I wasn't upset to be taking them however because: [...]42_22Mar199513:27:[log in to unmask] 9503 14015 21 36_Jezebel is getting more affectionate12_Sabrina [log in to unmask], 22 Mar 1995 14:36:32 -0500524_- Last week I was asking about adopted adult ferrets who don't like to be
petted, well, I ran out and bought raisins and tried the advice I got on
the Digest. She loves them! And little Jezebel probably saw me using the
Digest and asking for advice because the same day she was a lot more
affectionate... When I gave her her first raisin, she went crazy and after
she ate it, she licked my ear as if it were going out of style. It was so
rewarding to me that I just had to give her another one! Today [...]36_22Mar199514:36:[log in to unmask] 9503 14037 29 12_Deaf ferrets14_ERIKA [log in to unmask], 22 Mar 1995 13:44:33 -0600453_- When I bought Bobbin I thought she was going to be a silver (at 6 weeks she
had white fur with a some black guard hairs). Over the years, her black
guard hair gradually disappeared until she looked like a black-eyed white.
Bobbin was completely deaf from birth, apparently (and was blind during her
last two years of life). Misty is a badger/shetland with a very white face
and wide stripe. She also appears to be completely deaf. [...]46_22Mar199513:44:[log in to unmask] 9503 14067 45 26_Raisin soaked or coated...16_Katherine [log in to unmask], 22 Mar 1995 00:57:10 -0500490_- Hello,
Ferret unionists here.
Our first literacy lesson toiight had our interest well-peaked.

For our first lesson we had an article, which we learn can mean things, but
it's spelt the same way. (Kinda like our own mother tounge. hiss-hiss, or
dook, dook, can mean I'm Happy, Oh joy!, Oh bliss!, I've reached nervana! ,
Boy this is too much excitment! or God! attacking this pollow is so
liberating to the spirit I must do it again, but after I dance! etc.) [...]53_22Mar199500:57:[log in to unmask] 9503 14113 20 31_Re: FERRET Digest - 18 Mar 199510_Becki [log in to unmask], 22 Mar 1995 16:51:53 -0500455_- Actually, those baking raisins got a big 12 thumbs down from
our herd. They seem to be carmelized or something.


> Date: Sat, 18 Mar 1995 17:14:20 -0800
> From: Leonard Bottleman <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: We Protest! (strongly)
> Just a little bit of ferret to ferret advice,
> Get your mom to buy Jumbo sized raisins, which are twice as
> large as regular raisins.... [...]44_22Mar199516:51:[log in to unmask] 9503 14134 21 16_Ferrets Unmasked13_Debbie [log in to unmask], 22 Mar 1995 17:34:52 -0500525_- To Steven Woodcock (and anyone else who's interested)"

Beach Party Productions is the company that produced the video, "Ferrets
Unmasked." Their number is 1-800-844-0688. I don't know how much they
charge, some of the ferret clubs have been charging around $20 - $25.

It's a great video! It covers just about everything: ferret-proofing
your house (shows what happens when you don't!), cages/housing, nutrition,
vaccinations, health concerns, breeding, the law, shows......... [...]56_22Mar199517:34:[log in to unmask] 9503 14156 2
Wed, 22 Mar 1995 11:02:31 PST
text/plain (31 lines)
I saw the following post in the rec.pets newsgroup. I contacted Chris and
asked him if  he would like me to post the note for him here. He said he would.
I know he is asking for $100 for his little girl and cage and it is an
advertisement of sorts, but I also know there are so many great people here
that would be willing to give Lebby (her name) a loving and caring home that I
just had to post this. Just trying to help a little fuzzy girl to find a home.
Kimberly Burkard        |              _    Everything I needed to know in life
Xerox, Rochester, NY    |       _____C .._. I learned from my ferret:
[log in to unmask] |  ____/     \___/  Dance for joy often. Play often.
[log in to unmask] <____/\_---\_\    Be determined in your ventures.
----------------Included Message-----------------------
Subject: Ferrets for sale
Date: 20 Mar 1995 16:52:38 GMT
Organization: Stratus Computer, Marlboro Ma.
For sale:
9 month old female ferret
descented, spayed, very good natured
she comes with her 2' x 2' cage
asking $100
She is a very good animal.  Me and my wife are working a lot more since
she started her own business and don't want to neglect her.  If you can
give Lebby a good home please send us mail.
If interested, send mail to [log in to unmask]
Thanks, Chris+Cheryl
[Posted in FML issue 1142]