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"The Ferret Mailing List (FML)" <[log in to unmask]>
Bill Gruber <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 26 Jan 1993 16:04:59 -0500
"The Ferret Mailing List (FML)" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (103 lines)
(I'm sending this both directly to Jeb as well as to the list.  Bill)
In issue 408, Jeb Weisman brings us up to date on the ferret legalization
issue in NYC:
>Now some responses to Bill Gruber.
Jeb, I am *thrilled* to read your very informative responses.  Where have you
been all this time?  I have been getting bits and pieces of this from all over
the place (Gary, Bryk, gossip, Compu$erve, and, yes, even the NY Post!) and
I must say that it is great to finally hear from someone who is intimately
involved with it.  Pity you didn't mention your affiliation on your first
posting - it would have saved me a great deal of confusion.
In view of your involvement in this, I don't have much to comment on - clearly
you are more informed about this that I am.  I do have a couple of questions
though - feel free to answer to the list or directly, if you feel that is more
>DoH officials (and we have witnesses) threatened the defendant's
>mother with jail if she didn't surrender the ferret.
Is it legal for the city to do any of this?  If it is an administrative
ruling, can people get thrown in jail by the DoH?  I mean, what authority
does the DoH have to put someone in jail?  Ditto with taking people's ferrets
away on 24hours notice.  I mean, sure, if DoH says "turn it over" and the
ferret owner says "ok, you got me, here's my ferret", then that ends it,
but as we see, people can successfully resist the request.  Were the 5 ferrets
that were destroyed owned by people who just didn't question the authority?
>As for revenue, don't you think the $130,000 the city is imposing on the
>defendant is a bit excessive, especially as it's because he didn't have
>a license which the City, itself, said he couldn't have to begin with?
But, again, isn't the $130,000 the fine for refusing to turn over Boo-Boo,
not the fine for lack of a license?
I always thought, perhaps foolishly, that the best way to get ferrets legal
in NYC is to point out to the city that it can require people to have ferret
licenses for, say, $20/year.  It would bring in LOTS of money, and the city
would soon forget all about them being dangerous since they are a lot more
interested in money than in health, in my opinion.  (Not that health is an
issue anyhow, of course).
>Well Bill, where should I begin.  First, when you talked to Bill
>Bryk did you ask him how Gary was (the person that got him
>involved in the case?)
No.  Bryk knew what case we were referring to.  I spoke to Gary a few
weeks prior to that - no need to ask him how he is!
>...same case.  Except, of course, it was in April and it was first
>reported in the NY Post and the ferret's name is Boo-Boo.
Yes, I posted the NY Post article to the list back in April.
>The BTW, those ridiculously low fees, guess who's been paying them
>out of his own pocket with the assistance of three other people <g>?
Well, to be fair, I think it's been more than 3 other people. Bryk cashed
my check, and Gary indicated that several others sent checks as well.  I
would have been glad to give more had someone asked and shown an accounting
of what the money was being spent on.
>Furthermore, guess who is bankrolling the criminal lawyer
>who is now handling the case?  Yup me and the other 3 people.
Well, glad to hear the someone is.  I don't like asking people for money
for anything, but had people been kept up to date on what was going on, I
suspect that many would have been very glad to contribute.  Even pet shops
and the like - NYC pet stores stand to reap a windfall when ferrets become
legal in the city and could well be happy to contribute to the cause.
>judge said.   BTW, you couldn't have seen or even heard of the
>judges ruling because he didn't make one...
I specifically said that I did NOT read a ruling.  I did read, on Compu$erve,
a terse note with no explanation saying that the judge was scheduled to judge.
>...February 11th and at that time we settle with the City or he'll rule
>against us which sends us immediately for a stay and the Appeals court.
What settlement is the city looking for?  Money?  (Like I said, seems to me
that cash can override any Administrative ruling in NYC!)
>Well Bill, we discussed this with the attorney first and had him check
>with the defendant, other attorneys, and animal rights people.
They said absolutely we should send letters NOW.
Will do!
Jeb, as mentioned before, I really think there are lots of people who are
very interested in what is going on here.  As you know, there are zillions
of ferrets in New York City, legal or not, and it does not help legalization
efforts in other cities when NYC is being stubborn.  In other words, this is
not only a NYC issue.  Since you have been so helpful in bringing us up to
date here, can you please continue to update us more regularly?  If you don't
have time to write, call me and I will post the info myself.  Sure is better
than relying on gossip!  That what stuff like the FML is all about!
Thanks again,  Bill
[Posted in FML issue 0409]