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Wed, 24 Aug 1988 12:00:00 -0400
"Scott Dudley" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
Chris, I have been down for a month and undoubtedly have missed an
issue or two.  My new path is uunet\!vsedev\!scott  .  The latest
news is that the Prince William County judge placed Jennifer Au on
probation and fined her a modest amount.  Another issue arose when
the PW county board of Supervisors met to decide whether or not to
ban ferrets.  200 local ferret enthusiasts packed the board room
until 1:30 AM putting forward their message.  They successfully
countered the local health officials who "contend the creatures should
be banned because they tend to carry rabies and bite children."
Health officials were accused of using Fuji to make a mountain out of
a mole hill.  Fuji, by the way, lives.  What the board is leaning to-
ward is possible registration of ferrets and handing out brochures
on proper ferret care.  (I support the latter).
I've had mailing list withdrawal and hated to leave the other sub-
scribers in the air about our local ferret issues but our access
was dropped rather suddenly.  Hope this gets to you and I get back
any issues I misssed.  thanks
Scott Dudley
[ Would have sent this out earlier, but I thought I'd wait for another
submission.  None came.  So, here it goes.  Thanks for letting us know
what was happening.  This is issue 34 - let me know if you've missed any.
I don't think you have.]
[Posted in FML 0034]