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Mon, 9 Jan 1995 09:33:55 -0500
James Makowski <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
        I just want to say that I am not only happy about the kind of response I
received after posting my concerns about peoples attitudes toward
Marshall Farms. but I am similarly impressed.  I expected some "Where do
you get off. . ." and "Who do you think you are. . ." types of responses.
 I had actually started to regret posting that until I saw the kind of
response it got.  I even received a response from the person whose
statement caused me to start the discussion (Erin Heinemeyer).  It was a
very polite response while also addressing the issues I raised.  For that
I was thankful.  I received some responses (and saw some FML posts)
supporting my position and I was glad.  I should say, though, that I did
not mean to include Erin in the "Animal Rights Activists" group as she
does not consider herself one.  I do still stand by the fact that not
buying their food, collars, harnesses and such will only go to salve your
own conscience (which is fine if that's what you intended :) ) but it
will probably not do anything to stop MF from breeding for research.
        Because of the response I received, I would have to vote a big "NO" on
the Rec.Pets.Ferrets newsgroup.  I agree with the fact that newsgroups
are often ideal places for those who want to start flame wars by posting
"I kill ferrets for sport" or some such nonsense.  There is one thing
that should be noted though, a newsgroup can be "moderated" in much the
same way as this mailing list is.  So, to stop flame-bait posts someone
would have to agree to moderate the newsgroup (if it even made it past
the vote.  Any newsgroups not in the Alt hierarchy must be voted on
somehow to gain it's place in the hierarchy.) and since we wouldn't want
to lose the FML, someone other than Bill would have to do it (since he
does enough by moderating the FML).  Also, while we do have a large
enough following, we would probably need a really huge response to gain a
foothold in the Usenet hierarchy (I just love that word :) ).  We have a
very mature, responsible group of people here, that I personally enjoy
communicating with.  Anyone who owns a ferret and lurks in Rec.Pets can
find out how to join the FML so it is not like we are some secret coven
of ferret lovers.  I believe the FML should retain its position as the
primary (if not only) forum for discussion of ferret related issues.
Thanks for bearing with my previous rantings and ravings.
Jim and Nibbles (the "I'll poop where I _want_ to poop" ferret)
[Posted in FML issue 1069]