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Fri, 2 Jun 1995 20:35:19 -0400
"Meg Carpenter, Chaotic Ferrets" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (109 lines)
Hello to all - thanks for the welcome messages.  Seems like a great group on
line with FML.  Had computer for almost 2 weeks now, and still wandering
around.  Books don't help much - even written for dummies - all assume I know
the basics.  Ha!  I can't even find the super information hightway I keep
hearing about because it doesn't appear on local maps.  I don't know what all
the little marks on the keyboard mean.  Last night one of the books told be
to go to the bar and choose from the menu.  So I ran down to the local pub
and ordered a sandwich.  However, I have learned one very important lesson.
Do not let young men near your computer.  I'm pretty sure that kids now have
genetic alteration with computer chips in their brains.  This does not help
me.  It took 3 days to find aol after computer whizz kid fooled around.
I, too, am appalled by CBS story.  Am glad I did not know how vicious ferrets
were before now.  Have been sleeping with mine for years now.  Gad, could
have had my face bitten off (although this would have been an improvement).
California ferrets must indeed by vicious animals and not related to the
ferrets I know.  I get a fairly large number of calls from Calif.  regarding
health problems.  Many do not have a vet who will treat their babies.  Many
have found vets who defy the ban at risk, and my hat is off to these
wonderful caring people.  I usually recommend a list of medications and
things for ferret owners in FFZ's to have on hand.  And anyone in Calif.  who
needs health care advice - please call me day or night.
Now, I've been reading a bunch of interesting things on FML and will respond
to a few.
Killians - so glad you guys can get liquid pepto down your ferrets.  I am a
total expert & can get anything into an animal - Except Pepto.  Recent try
with Pepper netted me a pink ferret - what went down he promptly retched up.
Went to 1/15th tablet as Bruce Williams recommends.  Yours are the only
ferrets I know that will eat the darned stuff.  Hope all your fuzzies are
doing o.k.  write me.
While on this subject, Pepper is a 2-1/2 neutered male who had a small benign
tumor removed.  Chem screen & CBC done.  Much to our surprise - he was very
anemic.  Subsequent diagnosis - epi-gasric bleeding ulcer.  He was
a-symptomatic and presented as well nourished healthy ferret in coat.
Several of us are going to be doing a wee study to see if we pick up anymore
ulcers on symptom free ferrets.  However, when you take your ferret in for a
check-up, would not hurt to have CBC, no matter age, and stool tested for
occult blood.  more on this later.
Avoid purchasing Ferret Spongie Jumper.  Purchased one for my little guys -
hung it up, Honey Bun, crawled in and poing - spring wire went just like
that.  Could reinforce it with heavier spring, but think it needs to go back
to manufacturer.  Honey Bun only ways 3-1/2 lbs.
For James Makowski - enjoyed reading about your ferrets.  Of course ferrets
can climb.  My Canadians spend most of the time in places above my head -
like the top shelf in the closet, to top of the door, and any place else they
wish.  Unfortunately, the Canadians have taught their American cousins to
climb and so, my house is down around my ears.  There is no place in my house
that a ferret cannot climb to with perserverance.  Two can climb trees.  They
also jump.  Have many pictures of ferrets jumping from one piece of furniture
to another at distance.  Caught by camera in air, their front legs are
stretched forward, rear legs back, and tail up.  Longest recorded freestyle
jump (with running start) was over 6 feet.  However, ferret overshot his
destination and got a concussion when he hit the wall.
Hi Amy & Dave - glad squeeky toy a success.  Try stuffed squeeky toy like
dinosaur that emits a loud CR-RAW.  This really brings them running.  Nelly
usually bites my achilles when I squeek this one.  Nelly is a 3-3/4 lb.
Canadian.  No, I am not kidding.
Someone wrote about heavy silver mitts lightening up.  This is not unusual.
I have two heavey silvers, each nearly three, that have lightened up to - one
a light pattern & one a medium pattern.  Also had a great sable blaze who
decided he wanted to be a garnet eyed white.  My ferrets usually change color
and blow coats before shows.  Wouldn't be surprised if one turned into a cat
before a show.  Have often felt ferrets would show better if I strapped a
pelt on them.  Of course, the ones I do not enter, always look great.  It is
a plot.
Re: swollen vulva.  I have written to you, I think, please get back to me.
Nipping ferrets - ah, now this is a problem.  Many ferrets just do not
realize that mommy & daddy have skin that is more tender than other ferrets.
Don't be afraid to let them know.  A nose thump is good.  If this does not
work, scream very loud and nose thump.  Next step if that does not work.
Scruff the miscreant, shake, eh, eh, eh loudly in ferrets face, and drag the
ferret around.  This is dominant behavior on your part.  Ferrets will
dominate you, if ya let them.  If they bite toes.  Stomp your feet and
scream.  Grab & dominate.  If ferret bites hard on finger - push finger back
into ferrets mouth - they do not like this.  Also, cover hands liberally with
bitter apple right after a bite - enter into the play that elicited the bite.
Ferrets are not amused when they chomp on bitter apple.
This "be a meany" with nipping ferrets does not apply for traumatized
rescues.  I have scars from some of these poor babies who were never
socialized.  They will and can bite to the bone if frightenened..  These
ferrets need lots of time & tlc to learn to trust, and, unfortunately, often
do not even know how to play.  Just ask Pam Grant - she deals with this l00
times more than I do.  It is truly enough to break your heart.  Recently,
when I inadvertently startled a rescue, I was slashed to the bone.  This poor
baby had been very ill treated.  These traumatized rescues are not your
normal ferret.  These animals usually have a history of neglect that would
make your hair stand on end - any rescue out there knows what I'm talking
about.  I am always amazed, however, at the resilience of these mistreated
ferrets.  All that I have handled have bounced back and gone to be wonderful
pets, either with me or adopted out.  Oh, but how I do prattle on.  Promise
not to clutter up FML again for a while.  Anyway, am not feeling so hot -
think I'm coming down with a computer virus.  Does not surprise me.  Think I
had Dutch Elm blight when I was a child.  Regards to all.  ChaoticFer.  Hope
I can get out of here - can;t find that little thing that runs around the
screen - think it's called The Curse.
------- =_aaaaaaaaaa--
[Posted in FML issue 1215]