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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 9509 14241 13 13_Cleaning ears15_Stan [log in to unmask], 20 Sep 1995 09:40:42 -0400433_- OK, what should we be using too thinking that he was the most wonderful and
well-behaved ferret in the city, but he got a clean bill of health and
experienced no reactions to Fervac-D. :-) [...]44_15Jul199522:12:[log in to unmask] 9507 10515 15 20_Out Web page updated15_Steven [log in to unmask], 15 Jul 1995 21:58:41 -0600420_- Hello All:

Just thought that those of you with Web browsers out there might be
interested to know that we've just recently updated our pages, adding
several new shots of the kids. Drop by and visit sometime!

Steven and Colleen
Continually Matching Wits with Missy, Newone, Zebulon Pike, Minx,
Slinky, Puck, and Ripple
Guest Ferrets in Residence: Tas and Scamp
[Posted in FML issue 1256]42_15Jul199521:58:[log in to unmask] 9507 10531 109 5_stuff13_Evan [log in to unmask], 16 Jul 1995 17:17:10 -0400532_- Bill, don't worry -- this IS on topic, though it may not seem to be at
first. This week Steve and I went to a small, private, area zoo which
the new owners are trying to improve as well as they can bit by bit
since they aren't rich. At the door was a young man holding a baby
skunk. Since we properly spoke skunk with it we were allowed to cuddle.
Then we met several of the domestic critters, talked correctly with an
otter (I know, single means lonely; another is due but they want to
improve the pool [...]39_16Jul199517:17:[log in to unmask] 9507 10641 24 14_New Subscriber13_Allan [log in to unmask], 16 Jul 1995 14:14:28 -0700584_- Hi All!!
A long first message.....
I am a new subscriber to FML and find it both entertaining and informative.
I have two of the little guys..Puff (albino)..and Cocoa (brown, for want of
a better description). Cocoa is in sad shape...he is believed to be about
21/2 to 3 years old, and was suffering from a urinary tract blockage.
Unfortunately, he had to undergo two procedures, one to insert a catheter
to empty his bladder and the next day surgery to flush the bladder. The
vet had taken x-rays in the past but saw nothing there. As it turns out
[...]44_16Jul199514:14:[log in to unmask] 9507 10666 28 29_ferret shelters in Wisconsin?14_Lauren [log in to unmask], 16 Jul 1995 11:40:25 -0500530_- I am posting for some friends (Rue Hass and family) who just got a
modem and plan to join this list as soon as we figure out the exact
command. Several years ago, I gave my ferret Laska to the Hass family
because I have an immune reaction to ferrets. Laska's been having a
great time there, but I am sad to report that her playmate Jill died
unexpectedly last week. We are all very sad - Jill was a darling
ferret and a great friend for Laska. The Hass' would like to adopt a
new ferret, either from a [...]42_16Jul199511:40:[log in to unmask] 9507 10695 23 16_Ferret breeding?9_Ron [log in to unmask], 15 Jul 1995 15:27:28 PDT610_- Howdy-
Is there a pointer to information anywhere about Ferrets and *shhh* Sex?
If you want to reply personally, that would be OK, and I can summarize for
the list.
I don't remember seeing anything in the FAQ- hence the question.
Basically- I realize that girl ferrets go into season about 2 times a year-
their vagina swells, they scent and if you don't mate them, they can die.
Gee, though, outside of that its pretty well a mystery. Does anybody have
any good ferret sex stories? Any good hints/pointers/ideas/inf
Sat, 15 Jul 1995 19:36:15 -500
text/plain (35 lines)
On the GCFA show and the ECE threat:
    As GCFA show director and registrar, I see no reason to throw up a red
flag just because ferret owners from the east will be attending the show.
Firstly, the good folks out east are no less careful with their pets than
anyone else. If anything, this mess has made them MORE careful and less likely
to do anything that would spread this malady eleswhere.
It should be pointed out that (1) all major airline carriers REQUIRE a
certificate of health  for every animal when they fly. (2) Moreover, the GCFA
requires a similar safeguard before allowing ferrets to enter the show hall.
Any animal showing signs of any communicable disease will be refused entry to
the show hall. Dr. Susan Brown, our veterinary advisor, will oversee all
admissions to assure that no ferret exhibiting signs of illness will get past
"Checkpoint Able".
     I, personally will have four of my eight ferrets entered in the show. I
would not enter even one if I felt that they would either catch or carry a
killer virus home.
The greenies we've been seeing here have only been a threat to the older or
otherwise infirmed ferrets. Our losses, though regretable, have been small
compared to the losses of 2 years ago. We will still be holding the Geriatric
and Handicapped classes of judging. If you feel that your ferret is to
immunologically weak to fend off an illness, for his sake, leave him home.
  This show has all the indications of being our greatest and largest to date.
Early registrations seem to back this up, especially from Michigan.
If you'd like an application,  leave me e-mail or write
P.O. Box 7093
Westchester, IL 60154-7093
Roger McMillian, Director & Registrar
Greatest Ferret Show on Earth #7
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[Posted in FML issue 1256]