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Sat, 8 Oct 1994 03:06:33 -0400
"Kevin B. Pratt" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
What a joy to find all of you.  I have two furries that are the rulers of
my home.Tsatchka (pronounced chachka) is a 3 year old female, Babka is a
1.5 year old male, who is a giant!  The problem of gates has been an
ongoing battle.  We live in a large loft in NYC, with no rooms, just one
big one.  But the monsters (a loving nickname) can't have the run of the
place, even though they sure have tried!  The solution, after much trial
and error, is a long bench with a flat back facing away, attached to it  is
a hinged four foot high picket fence door that reachs the wall.  I never
thought I would have a white picket fence in my life.  Let alone in my
house, in NYC.
And now a story.  I had a very big party, the next day after a hangover
brunch I came home, and Babka was acting very strange.  All the sudden he
started projectile vommiting, and it was a very scarey color of deep
red/brown.  I immediatly become hysterical, and was trying to make him
drink water to dilute what ever "poisen" he had injested. Kevin, my other
roomate (the two legged kind) was running around trying to find Babka's pet
emergency room i.d. card. (yes, we have gone the 24 hour pet emergency room
at 3am because of Babka's follies).  Babka had stopped vomitting and was
drinking water, and even ate a raisen (his favorit snack).  Then he started
sticking his head in the bowl of water, a very silly game we play, where he
retrieves item from the bottom of a bowl of water.  This playfulness made
me feel better, he seemed to be doing fine.  Kevin then found a bottle of
red wine that had been tipped over, when he brought it over to me, Babka
immediatly tried to get it.
Babka was drunk as a skunk!  And the little lush wanted more! Denied his
new found vice, he decied to launch into a ferret dance of joy, but his
balance was definatly off.  I played with him for awhile, not wanting him
to go to sleep, just in case.  Finally I let him sleep, but I woke him up
every 15 mins or so, just to be sure all was O.K.  When I would wake him,
he gave me the typical drunkers look of "leave me alone!"  A few hours
later, he was fine, no visable hangover (unlike mommy).  As we cleaned, he
helped by pulling out the contents of the garbage bag we had just filled!
Looking for that wine bottle!  He found a beer can that was quicky
confascated.  He settled for an empy seltzer bottle, and dragged it to his
lair.  And so started his unique collection of  plastic bottles, at one
time we found 11 hidden,  three were full, unopened (heavey for such a
small beast)!
Thanks for your indulgence. Does anyone have a simular tale?
Erika, Kevin, Babka and Tsatchka
[Posted in FML issue 0977]