Every couple of months, we have a question about why there are so many
questions about ferret health. For the newbies in our midst...
Ferrets are no more prone to isease than other animals. However,
they do have a much shorter lifespan, so these problems come up an a
more frequent basis. Plus, most of us own anywhere between two and
fifteen animals, and many own more than this, or run shelters. When
you are dealing iwth such large numbers of animals, you will have
proportionatley more health problems.
Also, the FML also has several vets that give health advice. We
are well known as a place where you can get a prompt response to a
question about the health of your animal, and several of us also are
involved with the health care of many of the animals which you read
Another thing to consider is that many of the FMLers live in areas
where vets are not very familiar with ferrets and their diseases, so
the FML is a good place to get a second opinion or advice for their
vets. I field anywhere from 3-8 phone calls daily on ferret matters
from veterinarians around the country.
Ferrets ARE prone to several diseases that you will become familiar
with as a regular participant in the FML - adrenal disease,
insulinoma, cardiomyopathy, Helicobacter mustelae infection and
several others. And, as the membership of the FML is always in flux,
with readers coming (more) and leaving (less), you often have people
who have not been privy to these discussions logging in to ask
questions upon material which may have been covered less than a week
before. Rather than say "Go find issue XXX...", we generally just
start the thread up again.
Any type of animal that you may obtain as a pet will have
predisposition to disease. Ferrets should be expected to get diseases
of their own , too. But as most people on the FML will tell you, the
benefits are far more than the risks.
Bruce Williams, DVM Department of Veterinary Pathology
[log in to unmask] Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
(202) 782-2600/2602 Washington, D.C. 20306-6000
[Posted in FML issue 1064]